11 Couples Confessed The Moment They Knew They Were Falling And You Will ‘Awww!’
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11 Couples Confessed The Moment They Knew They Were Falling And You Will ‘Awww!’

Despite popular opinion, millennials do know how to date.

11 Couples Confessed The Moment They Knew They Were Falling And You Will ‘Awww!’
Lauren Harksen

While people may like to say that millennials don't date anymore, that's simply not true. In fact, I sent out a survey on Facebook and found that a lot of college students are actually in pretty serious relationships. Some of them are even married or engaged. Here are some of the adorable stories that prove that millennials do know how to fall in love.

1. Steven and Kristi

Steven: Kristi and I knew each other for a year and had been seeing each other for around six months. It was Christmas break and I was going to have knee surgery. She has always been caring, but she really was such a big part of my recovery.

We stayed up the night before watching movies to keep my mind off of things. That morning I went in for surgery and on the way home was having some serious pain. Kristi was trying to help in any way she could. We got home and struggled to get in the house and comfortable because all my medication had worn off. We were eating lunch and watching tv and that day did it for me. I knew we had fallen for each other. I leaned over and said I love you and kissed her on the cheek.

Kristi: Steven and I met January of 2015. I had decided I didn't want to date anyone for a while but that quickly changed after we met. We spent most of the spring semester going to Greek functions and getting to know each other. In the summer we decided to finally start dating "officially".

Fall semester began and I fell for him more and more as time went on. One day in October he dropped me off at class and I hopped out saying "love ya" out of habit when saying bye to my friends or family. I was shocked I had said it but hoped he hadn't heard. After that point, I began to think about how I really felt for him and what our futures held. I knew I loved him but I wasn't ready to say it. After Stevens surgery in December, we had both become so close. Steven leaned over and told me he loved me and was so happy to have me in his life. I knew in that moment that this was meant to be.

2. Ryan and Lasca

Lasca: We met when he was on his LDS mission so we couldn't date, we had to wait a year and some change. We were making my uncles birthday cake and I realized that I was messing everything up because Ryan kept making funny jokes and I was getting distracted. In the end, the cake was terrible and SUPER ugly, haha but I couldn't look away from him. I realized that somehow, over the past few weeks, we had become best friends, despite only seeing each other a couple of times.

Ryan: We were playing board games with her family and I inadvertently insulted her, by saying something negative about what one of the game's characters was wearing (she was wearing the exact same thing). She shot back at me without hesitation and I was like... "Woah. I just got soundly insulted by a cute girl."

3. Adrain and Desaree

Adrain: I was in my room thinking about why I was not eating and stuff. I knew I was texting Desaree all of the time and we were getting closer. Honestly, I just knew the first time we talked on the phone.

Desaree: The first time I knew I was really, really falling for him was actually before we were ever in a relationship. We would talk for hours upon hours; texting all day and talking on the phone all night until we fell asleep. We were friends for years before something sparked a flame between us, and once it started, I fell hard, and fast.

One afternoon, we had a long convo. about our previous love life's, ourselves, etc. He asked me what my zodiac sign, and I told him I was a Leo. Then, he said he was cancer and we had an entire conversation about how compatible we were. It was so, so simple. But at that moment - I knew for sure - he was more than just a best friend... he was the one.

4. Roger and Carly

Roger: Carly and I met in computer concepts class in the spring of our freshman year. I walked into the first class of the year to see a girl asking every guy that walked in if his name was Roger. Of course, I said yes and wondered who this random girl was. Turns out a mutual friend of ours had told her to look for me to sit by in class. After a couple weeks of class and working on homework together, I could tell we had a spark.

I was hesitant to jump into a relationship though because I had only been in one serious relationship before. Carly made it easy. She made me laugh and feel emotions no one else could. We genuinely enjoyed being together no matter what we were doing. I asked her to be my girlfriend at the beach in Destin and it was one of the best decisions I could have made.

Carly: Roger and I met the first week of freshman year spring semester through a mutual friend who told me I should sit next to him in computer concepts because he could help me if I had any problems with the class. In our computer concepts class, there were dividers between the computers but we always took our down so we could talk. Shout out to our teacher, Ms. Kiarie, and the Grad Assistant, Sonny, for never making us put the divider up and allowing our relationship to form. We added each other on Snapchat and got each other’s number so we could get together and study. We would meet at the library or his fraternity house to study.

Later on, after multiple study dates, I said to him that my friend Brooke and I were supposed to go see Cinderella but she bailed and I had already bought the tickets, so asked if he wanted to go. He did, of course. Later we went on multiple other dates...Half Shell, movies, baseball games and he even came to see my spring dance performance! He eventually asked me to his fraternity formal in Destin, FL which was in April of 2015. There, he finally asked me to be his girlfriend!!! It took a while for everything with me and Rog to click but I’m too stubborn and persistent to give up on something I knew was there...

5. Rad and Moriah

Rad: It was about four months into our relationship and the more time I spent around Moriah, the more I just knew that I loved her, and that love just kept building.

Moriah: We began dating at the very beginning of spring semester 2015, over that semester I spent more and more time at his house just hanging out and cooking dinner and having movie nights, I remember one night we were cuddling on the couch watching a Disney movie (my pick 😂) and I just looked up at him and I just knew in that instant that I loved him and that I would marry him one day!

6. Jack and Brad

Jack: Falling in love with Bradley was the easiest thing I have ever done. At first, he didn’t know that we were falling in love, but I knew the whole time. Retrospectively, it didn’t take long for us to fall for one another. In fact, we couldn’t even wait a whole day between our first and second dates. That was when I recognized the special bond we shared.

I first identified my love for Bradley over FaceTime, while we were apart at different schools. We decided to FaceTime to do homework together late one night. Little did we know that we would end up talking for over eight hours. Through this conversation, which involved laughs, tears, and a surprise Insomnia Cookie order, I confirmed that I did, in fact, love Bradley Bartelt.

Brad: On our first date, in the busiest city in the US, Jack asked me what love meant to me. The sounds of New York stopped around me, as I tried to answer, but was unable to define it. I loved my family and close friends, but it was not until I fell in love with Jack, that I knew what love truly meant.

Loving Jack meant accepting and loving myself. Love, for me, has not been something that I found. Instead, it has been something I have developed, and continue to share with the man of my dreams. It took loving ourselves first and then loving our relationship over ourselves. I am still not able to define it any more than saying that my love is you, Jack.

7.Clay and Hailey

Clay: I guess this is my story of when I knew I was in love with Hailey! Haha, kinda an interesting concept because it was many times and situations where I felt this and still am falling more and more even today but I would say the one time that sticks out to me was when Hailey and I went to dinner at Ruby Tuesday's, "her favorite," not long after we started dating, but we were starting to have solid feelings towards each other.

After dinner we were in my car in the parking lot and this crazy cool vibe that came over both of us and we just stared at each other for a while not saying anything, but it wasn't awkward because we both felt it and I said to myself "well that was something I have never felt before I'm pretty sure I'm in love with this girl."

Hailey: We had only been dating about a month when I knew I was in love with my now fiancée. We had just had dinner together and were sitting in the car talking. I kept looking into his eyes and thinking "I am so in love with this boy but I'm scared to say it! I think he loves me too but we have only been together a month and he goes off to college in the fall and I have another year of high school!"

We ended up talking for about an hour in the Ruby Tuesday's parking lot and I think we both realized we were thinking the same thing but were not ready to admit it! That moment was when I knew that I loved him! Fast forward five years and we are now planning our wedding for next year!

8. Clayton and Ashland

Clayton: I knew I loved her when we had our first deep conversation and realized that I had a lot in common on a deeper level with her. I was able to see the good in her and realized how well we complemented each other.

Ashland: Our first date was the first football game freshman year. After that, he was my date to our first date party and we started hanging out a lot. There was one night that we were both at a party and got into a really deep conversation about ourselves on a personal level, and we talked about how we were interested in each other. We’d both discussed that we didn’t know each other well but wanted to, so we decided to hang out and start having more personal conversations during the time we spent together.

There was one conversation where realized we both shared the same personal experience in our past and that conversation was basically mind-blowing. I felt this overwhelming sense of “yep that’s the guy for me. I love him,” but I didn’t tell him that until 6 months later.

9. Justin and Lauren

Justin: I don’t know what it is about that girl, but from the first time we met, I knew she would always be special to me. When I fell in love with her, it was one of the most unique things that has happened in my life. We literally talked for hours in a gazebo by a pond. I can’t remember everything we talked about, but I just remember talking to the most beautiful girl in the world. She had my heart there and I never wanted to let her go.

I can’t pinpoint an exact moment of just falling in love with Lauren because that happens more and more each day. The most special day to me was the day she said yes to being my girlfriend....because it was also one of the most frustrating days. I took us ice skating; however, I have no idea why I did that because I’ve never ice skated!! We sat down to put on our skates and Lauren told me how she’s nervous because she hasn’t skated in forever, while I’m sitting over here thinking about how I’ve never skated. We get our skates on and we start skating. I remember holding her and it was like I was staring at a princess.

She was just so beautiful and she gave, and still gives, me the biggest butterflies. Then....the children came. Don’t get me wrong, I love kids, but this was not the time. These two kids come up and start skating with us and making fun of how I skate. Then, one of them separates Lauren and me while the other skates around me and throws snowballs. It was fun and all, but I had a girl to impress and me getting bullied by children did not look too good. However, the kids leave and Lauren and I get to skate on our own and share some laughs. We quit skating, then just ran from store to store in the mall. I just remember hearing her laugh and seeing her perfect smile. We get in the car, and my hands started sweating and my throat got dry. I was so nervous to ask her just to be my girlfriend. But, I gained the courage, and I asked! THIS GIRL SMILES AND SAYS I THINK ABOUT IT...and it couldn’t have been a more perfect of an answer.

Lauren sweeps me off my feet every day. She always has me guessing. Everyday with Lauren is a gift and I wish everybody had a Lauren. I’m so incredibly lucky and I thank God for this amazing blessing in my life. I love you Lauren Elaine Harksen and thank you for loving me!

Lauren: I fell in love with Justin, not on one single day, event or conversation, but from all of the little memories sewn together. If anyone knows him, they know he is three things: silly, loving, and kind-hearted. I knew I started falling in love from a few different moments. For only knowing each other a few weeks, we would talk on the phone for hours at a time. And I wouldn’t simply enjoy the conversation, I would hang up with my cheeks hurting from smiling and laughing so much. Not many guys possess the qualities to make me laugh, nonetheless for two hours straight.

On the day he asked me to be his girlfriend, (Cheesiness warning!!) it was Valentine’s Day and we went ice skating at one of the local malls. I hadn’t ice skated in many many years, so of course, I was worried about busting it. He wouldn’t let go of my hand until I felt comfortable standing on my own. And even then, we met two young kids who became attached to Justin at the hip. They wanted to play games, chase him around the rink, and get a good laugh by throwing snowballs. He was so involved and engaged with these random kids, you couldn’t help but say “Awww!” And when they finally left, we would dance and spin on the ice, hearing the laughs and “How cute!” comments from everyone nearby. I felt like I was in a movie. And that’s how Justin treats me every day: like a princess in a movie.

Even now, almost two years into dating, he doesn’t let me forget how much I mean to him or the pure kindness of his heart. That’s why each and every day, I fall more in love with him. Thank you, Justin, for always making me feel like the most special lady in the world.

10. Noah and Katrina

Noah: Katrina and I have been dating for almost two years, but I started falling in love with her around our 4-month mark. From when we started dating, we spent a lot of time together, inside and outside of school. When we had been dating for about 3 months, I knew she was the best person I had ever been with, but I didn’t admit to myself that I loved her just yet. Then she took it upon herself to write me a letter, to show me how much she appreciates me. For one thing, hand-written letters are something I deeply admire, and two, aside from family members Katrina was the only person who had written me a letter.

The letter showed how much she appreciated the little things in our relationship, from random kisses on the cheek to playing with her hair when we were just sitting around. She didn’t care about buying things for her, or grand gestures, she just really liked the little things. Katrina is the first person to do this for me, and after reading that letter I knew I loved her, and I knew I was going to be with her for a long time. The night she whispered “I love you” into my ear was one of the happiest nights of my life.

Katrina: When Noah and I started dating, he used to come over to my house all the time and watch a couple of movies together. This was our routine almost every Friday and Saturday night. We would always grab a blanket and cuddle up next to each other. Well one day, I had a really hard day at school, and I just wanted to go to bed early, but I also wanted Noah to come over as well. So I sucked it up, and he came over and we started to watch a movie.

I already knew I was going to be super tired, and I could feel myself falling asleep. Noah saw this too, and he said, “Go ahead and lay on my lap if you want to.” When I did, he started to rub my back until I fell asleep. That was one of the best naps I’ve had, and it was the night I knew I loved him because it was a perfect little gesture to let me sleep and rub my back, and no one has done that for me before.

11. Luca and Andjeliya

Luca: When I saw her for the first time, I realized she was completely different from the others. She had a beautiful smile that she didn’t remove from her face. I was so happy because I knew I met such a unique person.

She is the one that always keeps me going in life, my biggest supporter and true friend. I knew she would always be there for me and that my life was finally starting to make sense. Every time I look at her, I realize she’s the one that makes me happy.

Andjeliya: There was something intriguing about him the first time we met. I wasn't looking for anything serious, or anything at all for that matter. Two years later and here we are... still going strong. Little did I know I'd get to have him as my partner and as my best friend. Sometimes when you're falling for someone there isn't a reason... it just happens. You fall in love with every part of who they are and the way they make you feel when you're around them.

You know you've fallen hard when they make the world a little happier, the days a little brighter, and the nights a little calmer. You know you've fallen for someone when they make you smile bigger, laugh more often, and appreciate all the little things in this life. At least, I did.

So there you have it, everyone. True love still exists and these millennial couples are living proof of it. Our generation isn't all about Netflix and Chill dates, some of us do believe in romance.

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