Supplies To Have In Your Bookbag
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Student Life

Supplies To Have In Your Bookbag

These supplies will make your school year a whole lot simpler.

Supplies To Have In Your Bookbag

2017 is finally here, and a new school semester begins in just a few short days. Many people have made their resolutions for the new year, and most of them consist of going to the gym more often, eating more greens, eating less sugary foods, cutting out carbs, etc. etc. Others made resolutions to post more to social media, read more books, make new friends or buy at least one item a week that makes them happy. Either way, the new year has inspired everyone to change for the better. My resolution for the new year is to focus more on journaling, writing, studying, planning, organizing and all things related. This article is for those who are like me: nit-picky and anal about their school supplies.

Below is a short guide on how to succeed this school semester (and for the rest of your college career). I put this together to help those on the unorganized side of the spectrum. Let’s face it—taking notes in class is challenging, especially when the professor rambles on and on and forgets to take a breath. Many students have resorted to typing their notes on a laptop, phone, or iPad simply because their fingers type faster than their hand writes. While this is okay to do, it’s important to remember that information is retained much more successfully when it is written down. I hope this supply list can help a student or two out there!

The first thing to do before classes start is buy new school supplies. You can’t organize or journal or plan without the necessary supplies. Start there.

Shopping for school supplies is honestly so much fun. If you’re anything like me, you buy a case of pens every time you go shopping (and you avoid, at all costs, the mac daddy store of all supplies: Staples). To be a successful student you need reliable journals, notebooks, binders, pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, Wite-Out, stationery, pencil cases, pencil sharpeners (and so on and so forth—you get where I’m going with this). Whoever said pencil cases were only for elementary students lied. Pencil cases are such an amazing investment. This pencil case has a built-in organizer inside that can fit approximately 45 pens. Yes, 45 pens! There are also mesh compartments inside to hold stickers, paper clips, erasers -- you name it. If you want something a little smaller, try this case or this Lilly Pulitzer case. Bottom line: invest in a pencil case. It will save you the trouble of digging through your backpack for a pencil you don’t even know if you have.

What will you put inside your pencil case? These pencils are famous; they have a great reputation. They’re perfect for you if you’re not a fan of mechanical pencils. These pencils with a built in grip zone are also nice and they’re coated with an environmentally safe water base. You’ll feel good about buying these. This little guy will come in handy one day, especially if you’re taking math or drawing classes. Purchase one now so you won’t be sorry later. And attention everyone: these highlighters are featured on every study blog I have ever seen. Apparently they’re amazing! I just purchased a few packs myself; I’m eager to try them out. They come in many soft colors that aren’t going to be distracting on paper. If you like pens with finer tips, try these out—a 20-pack of assorted pens with .3mm tip sizes. These would be perfect for writing headers on your notes. If you’re a fan of gel pens, try these. There are hundreds of pen and pencil options out there...don’t be afraid to try new things. Fine-liners work best for me but some people prefer pens with a thicker tip. No matter what, there is a pen and a pencil out there made just for you!

Now that you have your writing supplies, it’s time to focus on buying things to write on and in. First and foremost, you’ll need a planner. I recommend planners—17 month agendas perfect for the school year. I bought my first planner for this year, and I carry it with me everywhere. I write my entire life in this planner: important appointments, assignments, my work schedule, friends’ birthdays and so much more. If I lost my planner, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. For those who are more creative, consider starting a bullet journal (check out this tumblr for inspiration). If you don’t want to spend and arm and a leg on a planner, buy a simple one from your local Walmart, Walgreens or CVS. Some schools even supply free planners for students. Don’t rely on your memory for things like assignments and doctor appointments. Utilize your planner and keep your schedule organized. I promise you’ll have a better year just by doing so. When taking notes in class you can write in the famous Five Star notebooks (college ruled or wide ruled) or choose to write in a smaller, more aesthetically pleasing journals like these. Moleskine also sells nice quality notebooks and journals. You can buy cheap pocket folders from nearby stores—these are perfect for holding loose papers with no holes punched on the side.

Once you have all of the necessary supplies you can begin planning. Keep an eye out for my next article where I'll share planning and journaling tips to make your life a little less hectic.

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