Over my summer break I have been troubled by the news of constant deaths. Within a month long period I knew of seven deaths: close family and friends as well as dearly loved pets…not to mention the constant news of bombings and killings half way across the world. This article will not be morbid in the stories of the lost souls. Instead, it will be about the beauty and the vulnerability of the circle of life.
Even though it was a summer full of reminders that life is such a fragile entity, I was awakened to really cherish the life that I have been given to live. As cliché as ‘treasuring the people around you’ is, it really has been the theme of my summer. Sometimes there are absolutely no signs as to when someone special in your life is about to only live in your memory. So, there is no greater time to live than in the now with the people who are still here and the memories you treasure with the people or animals that may not be. Meghan Trainor’s newly released song “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” perfectly encapsulates the kind of respect we need to give for the uncertainty of the future and the love we need to demonstrate for those who hold a special place in our hearts.
This summer has taught me to seize the present, cherish the moments, and that every opportunity is a chance to make something of or for yourself. My examples were taking this writing position and deciding to enroll into a shoe design course, both of which I would have never thought I would pursue. But the funny, exciting, and often scary aspect about life is its unpredictability. The fear of death and the unknown can either shut you down or wake you up. What will you choose to do? Of course your decision does not have to be an all or none response, but I hope you choose to take more chances to live your life than to be afraid of it. Take it one day at a time, especially for those of you who have been closely affected by the loss of a loved one.
The lives that have been lost, especially those taken much sooner than anticipated, are truly saddening and tragic; they will be forever missed. As much as these deaths are a time to stop, remember, and rethink, they are also an awakening. The fragility of existing can do wonders for those courageous and ambitious enough to seize their own life. Outrageous and out of character performances can make you be remembered by others, but are most important to yourself for the sake of being able to say “I did that.” This mentality can only liven a person’s spirit and prove to them that it’s great to be alive.