Striking a Balance Between Life And Your Priorities
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Student Life

Striking A Balance Between Life And Your Priorities

Just here sharing the struggle of being a college student basically "adulting" for the first time while also providing tips on how I am handling it all.

Striking A Balance Between Life And Your Priorities

Being a college student is hard enough, but throw in having a part-time job, participating in extracurriculars, going to the gym, having a social life all on top of keeping your grades up? Seems like there is not enough time in the day.

As a second semester freshman, the fall was a much different experience compared to what I have on my plate now. I had much less responsibility then because I didn't have a part-time job, was not as active in my sorority and did not feel the need to go to the gym.

I essentially just needed to worry about classes, making friends, and adjusting to college life. While I liked having more time and freedom on my hands, I felt like I was not as independent as I should be at this age while also feeling like I was not utilizing all Arizona State University had to offer. I felt like I was not getting the full college experience.

So now here I am, working at In-N-Out Burger, trying to gain a leadership position in my sorority, semi-regularly going to the gym to keep my wellness intact and making sure I do well in school all while maintaining a relationship and spending quality time with my friends.

All this does not sound like a lot, but it sure feels like it is especially with financial burdens being the cherry on top of my priorities. However, managing this mountain of stress can be done with hard-work and tedious planning.

Here are a few things I do in order to keep sane, stay healthy and excel in all my tasks given to me while keeping those important to me close:

Keep a Planner

I know this is cliche and not everyone feels like they are the "planner type" of person, but they are so helpful with staying on top of your life. Planners help you stay organized when it comes to writing down what school work needs to be done, what events are coming up, when deadlines are approaching and can also be utilized as a space to write down your personal goals you want to achieve during the week or month.

You don't even have to buy a physical planner, I currently use Google Calendar where I have most of the semester mapped out in terms of when assignments are due, exam dates, and days I am going to be on vacation. What is most helpful with having an electronic calendar is that you can see what assignments and tests overlap with each other all on one screen. Both physical planners and electronic calendars are efficient with keeping you on track, it just comes down to whatever is a better fit for you and your organizational preference.

Study and Do your Assignments Ahead of Time

Not waiting to do your homework the night before (or in some cases the night of) it is due? A concept. This is where the tedious planning comes in because it is so incredibly easy to forget about one small homework assignment in the midst of the business of your week. I used to be the person that would wait to the last minute to do my assignments, but that's when I had time. If I did that now, I would literally not be able to submit the assignment because I could possibly work from 5 P.M. to midnight that night, when would I do it then?

Doing your assignment a few days before is such a stress reliever and allows more time during the week to do the things you like to do, like hang out with your friends or workout at the gym. This is made much easier if you have a planner where you could see what events you have to attend that week along with what days you're scheduled to work.

With all that laid out, you can allocate time where you can crank out your homework and set up study times that are ideal for your schedule. Plus, staying ahead can help you do better on exams and help you feel like you actually know what the professor is talking about during the lecture. I am taking statistics right now and I have never performed well in math courses, especially at the college level.

What has helped me so far feel less confused about the material is doing my math homework before lecture, teaching it to myself, and essentially treating lecture as a review and knowledge check of what I taught myself a few days before. Break out of the habit of procrastination, it works wonders.

Limit your Work Schedule

If you're like me, having a job is bittersweet. I take pride that I am mostly financially independent and like not having to ask my parents for money, however having a job can be tiring and can feel like it's interrupting your social life. Also having a customer service job, like In-N-Out Burger, teaches you to respect food and retail workers because I feel like customers often forget that the employees behind the cash register are people too and deserve to be treated as such.

Anyway, while I do love getting a fat paycheck every two weeks, limiting how many days you work is just as rewarding. Money isn't everything, and having it in excess is great, but working just as much as you need in order to support yourself is enough because if you work more than that while also being a full-time student will destroy you physically and mentally over time. Most jobs are accommodating and will schedule you according to your availability, so you basically get to choose when you work around your school priorities and pick what days you have off to enjoy for yourself.

Personally, at In-N-Out, I allowed myself to work maximum three days a week and gave them a total of four days for them to choose from unto when I can work. Over the weekends, I chose to have Sundays off so I can use that as my day to study, relax, or go do something fun for the day. During the week, I work night shifts that don't interfere with my school schedule and I chose days where if I work late that night, my class the next day is not scheduled during the early morning.

Working itself is exhausting and can feel like a lot sometimes, but I created a schedule that works for me that helps me keep my balance. Like yes let's get this bread to pay for Ubers and food, not from the dining hall, but keep in mind the bread you're gonna get when you get your degree, so make time to do well in school.

Spend Less Money

I know I just talked about getting that bread so you have money to spend, but if you're like me, your mental wellbeing is jeopardized when you see your bank account balance dip below $100. Keeping a balance in your finances will, in turn, help you keep a balance in your life generally.

Eat out less and try cooking, it's typically healthier and will be helpful in the future. Try to catch rides from friends, utilize the free intercampus shuttles, or ride the ValleyMetro Lightrail that costs anywhere from a dollar to four dollars depending on what kind of pass you buy for transportation. These solutions are all cost-effective compared to Ubering or Lyfting everywhere if you don't have your own car like me.

Use the SDFC gyms and the free wellness classes instead of investing in a gym membership. Spend money on things you like, but try not to splurge every time you online shop or go to the mall because you do deserve to treat yourself every once in awhile. Learning how to budget now will cause you less stress later in life and teaches responsibility. Spending less in nonessential areas will help you save money for things you need like books, groceries and in some cases for bills that need to be paid.

One way I save money when shopping for clothes is by going thrifting. Most of the clothes I own are thrifted, and I like that they have a unique style that is not found in department stores anymore. While I like thrifting, buying second-hand clothes is a lot cheaper and is also good for the environment. So it's a win, win, and an even bigger, more global, win.

Make Time for your People

I cannot stress this enough. Making time for your family, friends, and significant other will help you succeed in other areas of your life. These people are your support system and keeping in contact with them will help you keep sane amongst all your school and work.

Taking a mental break and simply just hanging out with your friends will keep you happy and healthy. Plus in the grand scheme of things, your people and the memories made with them are what we are going to cherish most in this lifetime, so it won't hurt to take a break and go out to lunch with your friends. You'll regret not spending time with them in the end. And maintaining those connections can help you further your career in the future. Your people are just as important as your work, almost even more so.

While keeping your social life intact, you can also take the time to go out and explore your environment. My current English professor every Wednesday makes us as we leave class to show her a picture of us doing something non-academic. She has us do this so she knows we're taking time for our mental health, living our lives, and increasing our productivity by taking time for ourselves. If you don't trust me when I say this, take it from Dr. Telles and take that break. Your work will be waiting for you when you get back.

These five habits have helped days feel longer and stress-free as I bounce between school, work and my extracurriculars. It basically comes down to time management and staying organized, doing things seems basic but this it's easier said than done (especially if you're more type B such as myself).

Having more on my plate has taught me responsibility, accountability, and makes me feel more productive throughout the week. I take pride in the fact that I am working on my priorities instead of staying idle, oddly enough, I actually do enjoy "adulting" which is something I thought I would never say to myself. Staying balanced in my life has helped me feel an internal balance within myself. This all felt hard in the beginning, but the burden of everything is getting easier to bear as time goes on. I am healthier, happier, and less stressed all while furthering my education and earning my own wage.

This experience has given me the motivation to challenge my abilities and take on harder things in life, rather than running away from my problems. It has enriched my college experience and is shaping me into a better person. Even if this is not the exact route you're taking at Arizona State University, do something that is difficult and out of your comfort zone. You may feel like giving up at first, however implementing healthy and efficient habits will be worth it in the long run.

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