I understand when people say they like math because there’s always a definite correct answer. I get enjoying “black and white” circumstances. But what I like more is the gray area. The in-betweens, the philosophical thoughts that are only correct if explained well. The things most people hate. It’s why I like psychology, deep discussions at 2am and it’s why I like love.
Why, in a world that does its best to lay out cookie cutter definitions for everything for us, do we insist on defining the one thing that should remain indefinable?
Love cannot be explained. Love cannot be taught and love is never the same love twice. It's a shared experience that we all experience in completely different ways.
That’s what makes it so beautiful.
I know there’s something about an incredible feeling that makes us want to share it. I know when you’re in the can’t-wipe-the-smile-off-my-face-or-listen-to-the-radio-because-all-the-songs-aren’t-happy-enough love, you’re dying to tell it to anyone who will listen or you might burst.
You can try, dear friend, but your explanations will never do it justice.
And you know what? Maybe constant butterflies, pet names, month-a-versaries and endless streams of “forever and always” aren’t the friend you’re talking to’s cup of tea. They're certainly not mine. And we can try to show how happy we are for our friends in love, but if it can’t be understood, the reactions will always come up short. And there’s nothing that’ll bring down your constant high faster.
For some people, love is fighting and waiting until they’re finally ready to love you back. For some, it’s stumbling and saying “It’s nothing” until you miss the last step and land in their arms unexpectedly (guilty). Love comes easily to some and is a constant battle for others.
I can tell you it's incredible to lie down with someone and have your breathing match up so no one has to change theirs for it to be synchronized. I can tell you that sometimes you won't realize what love really is for you until someone comes along and makes all the other times into mere trials.
I can tell you until I'm blue in the face that those things mean something to me, but that doesn't mean they should to you.
Love is everywhere and it's the best thing we have. Make it yours.
I promise you that no list on the Internet is going to be able to tell you if you’re in love - or worse - in love with the right person. The Internet doesn’t know. No one knows. But you know. That’s the exciting part. And when you know, you know. There’s no other way to put that.
I love my family, I love my friends, I love learning, I love doing new things, I love music, I love food, I love fall afternoons and summer nights. Love doesn't need to be romantic.
One of the best accidental compliments I’ve received was when someone asked me if I was in love because I just had "that look”. And at first, I was going to say no, because I was single and hadn’t had my heart stuck on anyone in particular. But then I thought, gosh, there’s still a lot that I love. I don’t think it’s weak or foolish to be in love all the time with this life I was given and I even take pride in that. You should too.
Stop reading, “10 Ways To Know You’re In Love” or “5 Signs He’s Right For You”. Those types of articles should be irrelevant and (I hope) some day obsolete. If you’re happy and in a situation that isn’t unhealthy or harmful, embrace it for right now. We all know it might not last, and that’s okay, but you should enjoy it because it’s meant to be enjoyed.
The only advice about love you should continue to listen to is the reminder to tell people you love them. Because we spend a lot of our lives trying to define or explain love and not enough just experiencing it for all that it is. The tears, the pain, the laughter and the pure joy are all the best parts of being human.
No matter how excellent the song, art, or story, it’ll never be just right. And that’s good.
There are twenty-six letters in the alphabet and approximately 1,025,109 words in the English language, but the four letters that make up the most important word should be something incredibly unique to each of us.
Now go love.