Stop Shaming Us, It's Natural
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Stop Shaming Us, It's Natural

Things you should know about breastfeeding and what to not ask us.

Stop Shaming Us, It's Natural

When I first become a mother it was unplanned and I was unprepared but I knew I wanted to breastfeed for multiple reasons. I wanted to bond with my son, save money on formula, and give him the healthiest milk possible but that sadly didn't get to happen because of a complicated delivery and he wouldn't latch. So when I got pregnant with my daughter I told myself I was going to breastfeed no matter what. I would try everything I could to make it to a year and experience breastfeeding but little did I know the complications that would come with it. Most woman have it easy and others do not but so far I'm enjoying my journey except for a few small things that annoy me. So here are the five most annoying questions and real life problems with breastfeeding.

1. Can you cover up? Do you like covering up? I HATE COVERING UP!

Besides the fact that it feels like a thousand degrees when I wear my cover I feel like my daughter is sweating her butt off as well. It absolutely sucks wearing a cover out in public and I know my daughter hates it because she throws a fit when it's on some times. Sigh. But of course today in society people are offended by breastfeeding which I have no idea why. It's okay for woman to walk around with their boobs out but if a mother is feeding her hungry infant it's offending everyone? Somehow our boobs will catch your husbands and children's attention and they will find it sexual? No that's not it and if you think that well then maybe you should teach them that boobs are for food and not for sex.

2. Can you go to the bathroom to nurse? Can you go somewhere else? NO.

One thing that makes my blood boil is when mothers are shamed for breastfeeding in public or anywhere really. We've all seen the videos or posts of mothers crying or telling us how they were shamed or embarrassed for feeding their babies in public. It's ridiculous and no mother should have her feelings hurt for simply feeding her baby. It's a bond between mother and baby and we shouldn't have to hide it. It's not nasty so next time you're out in public eating imagine someone telling you to cover up or go to the bathroom to finish.

3. Can't you just pump and leave her with someone?

As much as I would love a break from my kids it's not that simple to just pump and give her the bottle. Some breastfed babies won't take a bottle also there's so many rules with frozen or thawed breast milk. If you thaw breast milk you have to use it within twenty four hours, you can't warm up breast milk in the microwave, you can't shake it up, once it touches the babies lip it's only good for an hour, it can last up to four hours in room temperature, and once you pump you either have to use it or freeze it. Confusing huh? Pumping isn't simple nor is it easy. I give props to the moms who have to pump because their babies won't latch.

4. It's just breast milk can't you pump more? Didn't she just nurse?

Whoever made the phrase "Don't cry over spilled milk." Obviously didn't pump for fifteen minutes and all you got was three ounces of breast milk and you spilt it trying to warm it up. Breast milk is liquid gold to us and when it's spilt or gone bad we really do cry over it. Some moms have it easy and can pump a lot but others struggle to pumps more than three ounces. I personally have trouble pumping more than three ounces sometimes and I was very sad when I knocked over some breast milk trying to warm it up. Whenever people ask me "Didn't you just nurse her?" "Isn't she full?" I get irritated but I know it's not their fault because they just don't know. Some breastfed babies can't be overfed and even though she just ate she might not have been full.

5. Engorged/leaking boobs and cracked nipples.

Now let's be grown ups about this conversation for a minute because most of my readers are females who will eventually have children. You need to know this information if you're going to breastfeed. You're going to have a baby feed on your boob for thirty minutes to sometimes an hour and it can hurt. At first, it won't feel good so go and buy the nipple creams and hydro gel pads. Once you get use to it, it won't hurt so bad but you can get cracked nipples so use the cream or oil! Also when your baby starts sleeping through the night you will become engorged. This is NOT I repeat not a good feeling. It hurts and you feel like you had a boob job so pump. Oh and last but not least you will leak from time to time whether it's from not pumping or nursing or simply because your baby unlatched and you're spraying everywhere like a fire hydrant. Breast pads will be your best friend. I hope this information helps a mom to be and remember whether you choose to formula feed or breastfeed as long as your baby is taken care of that's all that matters.

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