How To Stay Alive During Dead Week
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How To Stay Alive During Dead Week

Four easy tips on how to manage your time wisely during finals week.

How To Stay Alive During Dead Week
Julia Smith

Two weeks is the time frame running through many student's minds here at UA. Of these days, many are studying for their final exams, planning summer adventures, or simply seeing how many more nights there are possible to party at rounders this semester.

Finals week is known to be one of the most stressful time filled with study overloads, but what if you could do all of these activities in a healthy balance? Here are some tips on how to finish strong in and out of the classroom for the remainder of this semester.

1. Acknowledge what needs to be accomplished.

At stressful times, especially during finals, it is much easier to worry about tasks that need to be accomplished without even attempting them. In this case, to check off the boxes on your list of things to do, your agenda is your friend. On Sunday, plan your week out. schedule times to study, run errands, or even plan a time to go to the gym. It's important to acknowledge your hardest task or most time-consuming assignment and try to put that project first on your list.

This leaves more time to accomplish and obtain all the information for that test and leave time to finish the smaller assignments. Most students who don't plan properly create their own stress by cramming all the information the night before a big test. Save you're brain power and plan to succeed!

Fun tip: Recognize certain tasks with certain colors such as: Gym = green highlighter, Test=pink highlighter, Study session= yellow highligher. This is a easier way to acknowlege what is coming up on your list of things todo for the week and visualy recognize what needs to be accomplished.

2. Don't forget the little people.

Although you may feel that you are the only one with six finals, remember that all students have experienced such stress and don't take it out on your loved ones. feel a mental breakdown coming on? Take some time to grab coffee with a friend or make a quick phone call to a loved one just to share some kind words or a quick vent intervention.

Fun tip: Schedule a time in your schedule to facetime or call that special someone. whether its five or five hours, take the time to check in with yourself and others. in this time frame, you can escape from your math equations and maybe gain some stregth from kind words of others.

3. It's OK to take a break.

Yes you may have thirty-page study guides to review and complete and you may have multiple essays to complete, but it's not a crime to put down the pencil for a period of time and treat yourself to some peace and quiet. From Scientific American, "What is the Memory Capacity of the Human Brain," Mr. Osborne acknowledges that the human brain functions as a flash drive would.

The brain will obtain information until it is full. To reload more storage into your noggin, step away from the situation to allow your brain to properly interpret the content learned and repair to obtain more knowledge. A human will never need to worry about running out of storage if they study information in an efficient manner.

Fun tip: Put down your laptop, turn off your phone, and enjoy some fresh air. Spending some time outside is a great way to take in fresh air and repair and prepare your brain to obtain more information. Wherther it's a quick walk on the river, around the quad, or to Starbucks, every minute counts.

4. Concentrate then celebrate.

Although dead week is designed to study and prepare for final projects to conclude the semester, Taking time to go out with friends is just as important.

Finished studying for a test or completed an essay? Grab a celebratory cocktail or plan a movie night with the girls. It is important to acknowledge test times and down times and plan accordingly.

Fun tip: If you dont feel like getting your groove on at the bar, maybe endulge in a sweet treat to satisfy your taste buds. After finishing all your obligations, take yourself or your friends out for some ice cream and celebrate your hard work because summer is right around the corner!
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