I know that not everyone is lucky enough to go on a vacation to a beach over their spring break every year, and that's totally okay! Here are some fun things that you can do if you are at home over the break. I've had more spring breaks that not at home and these things have kept me busy!
1. Binge a Show on Netflix
Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash
This is pretty obvious. I think a lot of people do this over breaks from school. Some of my favorite shows on Netflix are: The Office, The Carrie Diaries, Grey's Anatomy, and Friends. There a plenty of options, so find what you like and hunker down with a snack!
2. Have a Photoshoot with Friends
Sophia Orlando
This is one of my favorite things to do when I have free time! I call up one of my friends and tell them to put a cute outfit on to go take some photos in a cool location. I have a DSLR camera, but really you can just use an iPhone if you'd rather. This is a super fun way to spend an afternoon and who knows, you might find your new favorite spot in town.
3. Picnic at the Park
Photo by Kimberly Mears on Unsplash
As long as the weather permits, packing a lunch and going to the park with a friend or significant other for a picnic is awesome. It's a great way to enjoy the beautiful spring temperatures and to spend quality time with someone you love.
4. Road Trip Somewhere Close
Photo by Jorge Caetano on Unsplash
Why not take a couple of days and road trip somewhere relatively close? You could find a city within a couple of hours and go to visit somewhere new!
5. Read A Book
Photo by Perfecto Capucine on Unsplash
Since I'm an English Literature major, reading is one of my favorite things to do. Spring break is a perfect time to put up a hammock outside and crack open a new book! This is a super relaxing way to pass the time.
6. Spend Quality Time with Family
Sophia Orlando
If you're going home for spring break, odds are your family might be home some of the time too. Take advantage of the time you have at home and spend time with your family!
Play board games, watch a movie or do whatever your family enjoys doing.
7. Try a New Restaurant
Photo by Rahul Dey on Unsplash
FOOD. There are so many restaurants that I haven't tried that I want to soon. Spring break is a great opportunity to try some new food around town.
8. Pamper Yourself
Spend a day pampering yourself. Go get your nails done, put on a face mask, take a bubble bath, etc. Just have a chill day by yourself or with a friend.
9. Go Hiking
Photo by Rahul Dey on Unsplash
This may not be accessible for absolutely everyone, but I think for the most part you can find some area to hike near anyone's home. You may have to drive a bit to get there but I find hiking to be so worth it!
10. Go to an Amusement Park
Photo by Daniel Roe on Unsplash
I personally hate amusement parks and rollercoasters, but I know tons of people love going to Six Flags or other parks like it. The weather will likely be nice over break so you can have lots of fun riding rollercoasters and running around the park.
Hopefully, I've given you some ideas for what you can do if you're having a staycation over spring break!