Finals time is a brutal period of time for countless college kids across the country. Nobody likes finals, but everyone likes music, so here is a list of songs I personally picked out (sometimes called a playlist) that have at least marginal connections to finals.
1. "Ain't No Sunshine," by Bill Withers.
As in, "there ain't no sunshine because I've been in the library for three straight days."
2. "All By Myself," by Eric Carmen
Unless, of course, you found someone to cheat off of. In which case, you are not all by yourself.
3. "Another Brick In The Wall, Pt. 2,"by Pink Floyd
The first lyric is "We don't need no education." The entire song someone is saying "Hey! Teacher! Leave those kids alone!" Everyone should get behind the movement.
4. "Nowhere to Go," by Nite Jewel
Because after these last few finals, literally no graduate schools are going to accept you.
5. "Relax," by Frankie Goes To Hollywood
You tell yourself to relax but then you realize you're fucked anyway.
6. "Under Pressure," by Queen and David Bowie
This is pretty self-explanatory.
7. "Easy," by The Commodores
You convince yourself that the exam is going to be easy. You pray that it will be easy. And then you sit down to take it and it hits you like a Mike Tyson strike.
8. "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," by U2
The perfect song for when you think none of the multiple choice answers are correct and you lose your shit silently in your seat.
9. "Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann," by Nena
The title means "somehow, somewhere, some time," which is fitting because somehow, somewhere, and sometime you find a way to avoid studying until the last possible second.