10 Songs To Listen To Based Off Of The Top 10 'Skins' (Generation 1) Episodes | The Odyssey Online
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10 Songs To Listen To Based Off Of The Top 10 'Skins' (Generation 1) Episodes

The best episodes of 'Skins' Generation 1 and songs to add to your playlist based off of each episode.

10 Songs To Listen To Based Off Of The Top 10 'Skins' (Generation 1) Episodes
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Minor spoiler alert ahead, although if you haven’t watched this classic E4 show by now, *Ron Weasley voice* where the bloody hell have you been?

Here’s my top ten skins (generation one) episodes and songs based off of your favorite group of dysfunctional brits.

10. Tony (Vol. 1 Episode 1) - Sex by The 1975

This episode is the introduction to your favorite British dysfunctional friend group. Tony, the initial frontman of this whole crew, is your average player whose only goal is to get into everybody’s pants just because he knows he can. He tries to convert his virgin friend, Sid, into the likings of himself, which doesn’t necessarily pan out as planned. “Sex” by The 1975 best compares to Tony’s state of mind at this time.

9. Everyone (Vol. 1 Episode 9) - Best Friend by Foster the People

This episode follows the whole crew in their respective lives, but really focus’ in on Maxxie and Anwar’s relationship that becomes conflicting due to Anwar’s religion. “Best Friend” by Foster the People best examines how Maxxie and Anwar’s friendship unfold.

8. Cassie (Vol 2. Episode 9) - Everytime by Britney Spears

Cassie’s back and ready to pack a punch. This episode carries a heavy load of emotions for Cassie as deception and secrets are revealed upon her return. It seems like every time Cassie comes around or tries to make something right, her efforts almost always end up in disaster much like the lyrics of Britney Spears’ “Everytime”.

7. Jal (Vol 1. Episode 3) - Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You by The 1975

A young talented Jal is scorned by her fathers inability to properly appreciate her efforts as a daughter. Rather than paying attention to her achievements he’d rather be attentive to his young perky girlfriend much to Jal’s dismay. As Jal goes through life coming to terms with this it reflects the lyrics of The 1975’s “Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You”. Her parents are quite emotionally absent from her life, so is there really anybody who can watch Jal?

6. Michelle (Vol. 2 Episode 4) - Complicated by Avril Lavigne

This episode balances the wackiness and emotional instability Michelle experiences when moving in with her mothers new husband and moving on from her relationship with Tony. Everything seems like a whirlwind for Michelle as she comes to terms with deception and different faces of others. “Complicated” by Avril Lavigne sheds light on just how complicated Michelle’s life is in this moment.

5. Final Goodbyes (Vol. 2 Episode 10) - Goodbye by 2NE1

This episode is most definitely needed, but absolutely unwanted. Being the last episode of generation 1, it closes a chapter of youthful friendships, relationships and kinships. The series must not only say Goodbye to the first (and best) reoccurring cast of the Skins series, but also say a final Goodbye to one of the beloved characters of the series. “Goodbye” by 2NE1 illuminates the hardships of suddenly bidding farewell to cherished loved ones and the memories that come along with them.

4. Chris (Vol. 2 Episode 5) - Lions, Tigers & Bears by Jazmine Sullivan

Typical Chris. This episode Chris is completely down on his luck which I can’t say we didn’t see coming. After being thrown out of school and evicted from his Uni flat, he must actually find a job to keep him afloat. In all of this he makes a pact with friend Jal and opens new doors for himself after his vow not to say “fuck it”. Although this episode brings to light the reality of adulthood, it’s lighthearted and comical all at the same time. “Lions, Tigers & Bears” best reflects Chris’ disposition towards life as well as his and Jal’s disposition towards a budding love.

3. Cassie (Vol.1 Episode 2) - I Can’t Get No Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones

This is the first time we get to delve into the life of our favorite eclectic girl, Cassie. As she battles an eating disorder that follows her everywhere and comes to terms with her place in this world everything seems unsatisfying or only temporary like the parties she constantly attends. If “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones doesn’t exemplify her disposition, I don’t know what does.

2. Sketch (Vol. 2 Episode 2) - What You Won’t Do For Love by Bobby Caldwell

This episode introduced a newer addition to the crew or maybe someone on the outside looking in on the crew. Sketch will make the hair on you neck stand up, but will have your eyes glued to the screen. “What You Won’t Do For Love” by Bobby Caldwell encapsulates the extremes new character Sketch would go to in order to get closer to our beloved Maxxie.

1. Maxxie & Anwar (Vol. 1 Episode 6) - Electric Feel by MGMT

In the probably most hilarious episode of the whole series, the whole crew is plucked from the confines of Britain to attend a school trip in Russia. The students pair off to participate in different escapades (or might I say sexcapades) in the dull and desolate Russian town. For Anwar the hunt for a dreamy Russian girl is underway to spark a sexual awakening much like the lyrics of MGMT’s “Electric Feel”.

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