18. "tis' the damn season" - Taylor Swift | The Odyssey Online
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20 Songs You Should REALLY Add To Your Winter Playlist

Watch the snow gently falling out your window and put these songs on to get in the winter mood.

20 Songs You Should REALLY Add To Your Winter Playlist

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For the majority of these songs, I can't really explain why, but they remind me of winter. Maybe it's their slow pace, their magical synth sounds, or their melancholy lyrics, but all of these songs give me winter vibes. If you're looking to add some songs to your winter playlist, give these ones a listen.

1. "Call It What You Want" - Taylor Swift

To me, this song sounds like curling up on the couch with your partner while drinking hot cocoa with a nice, warm fire going in the fireplace. In other words, this song reminds me of the romantic parts of winter rather than the dark, depressing parts of it.

2. "Stuck In Gravity" - Of Monster and Men

I'm not sure what it exactly is about this song that makes me think of winter, but I think it might be the the subtle synth playing in the background and the slow beat that carries the song. Either way, this is a lovely song that never gets old to me.

3. "Daydreamer" - Adele

Adele's mellow "Daydreamer" makes me want to go drink a nice hot coffee at my local cafe while it snows outside. Adele has good coffee shop music, which gives a lot of her music a warm, cozy feeling during the cold season of winter.

4. "Kiss Me" - Ed Sheeran

Similarly to "Call It What You Want," Ed Sheeran's "Kiss Me" is a great romantic song to listen to when you want to cozy up with the person you love. It's a warm song about love that breaks through winter's cold barrier.

5. "come out and play" - Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish's voice is so smooth and soothing, and this song is perfect for watching a light snowfall. There's a cute guitar melody strumming in the background and a gentle beat and piano melody that carries the song. Her quiet vocals sound soft and light, like snow.

6. "Light Years" - The National

This is the first song on this list that really reminds me of winter because of it's melancholy feeling. Plus, the repetitive, beautiful piano melody in the background represents the kind of music I enjoy listening to during the winter.

7. "Creature Fear" - Bon Iver

Now I know this doesn't make any sense, but this song feels cold. It makes me feel like I'm standing in a forest in the snow while I'm trying to find my way home. The echoey "ohs" in the beginning remind me of a cold winter wind blowing through, and the change in volume in the song translates into loneliness and fear felt in winter.

8. "True Love" - Coldplay

The synths in this song 100% make me think of winter and snow. They provide a magical kind of feeling that only happens when it is snowing outside, plus the lyrics provide a story of heartbreak which is also very on point for winter.

9. "Night Changes" - One Direction

Maybe it's because this song was popular in the wintertime that it was released or the fact that Harry is ice skating in it, but either way, it makes me think of winter. The nice twinkly synth in the background also makes me think of sparkling snowflakes. Now can I please go ice skating with Harry Styles?

10. "The Way I Need You" - Passenger

I can't say anything in a song that particularly makes me think of winter, but I like a good acoustic song during the chilly months. A nice acoustic guitar paired with a lovely voice makes me want to curl up on the couch and relax. This song is really beautiful.

11. "New York" - Snow Patrol

When I hear this song, I think of someone wishing their loved one was with them during the holidays. I don't really know why I imagine that particular scenario, but many of the lyrics discuss missing someone who means a lot to the singer. The heartbreak of this song feels appropriate during the cold winter.

12. "Blue Bucket of Gold" - Sufjan Stevens

The pretty synth-like bells at the beginning of the song remind me of snow bells around Christmas time, which most certainly is why this song made it on the list. Sufjan's voice is so hauntingly beautiful and sad sounding along with his somber lyrics, which are both perfect for winter.

13. "Hot Gates" - Mumford & Sons

Winter can be a pretty dark time for many people, and this song is a plea to hang on through those dark, depressing times. The singer tells his friend who is struggling to stay strong, and the song overall spreads a message of strength that is important to hear.

14. "Still Feel It All" - MARO

"Still Feel It All" is one of those songs that you listen to when you are feeling sad and want to make yourself feel even sadder. It's a beautiful song that gives a chilly feeling through MARO's soft vocals. The quiet synth and the singers subtle "ohs" in the background are quite sad, but also soothing.

15. "Dunno" - Mac Miller

Once again, the synths and the slow beat in this song make me think of snow falling. It also has a message about a failing relationship that relates to the melancholic atmosphere of winter.

16. "Girls Need Love" (remix) - Summer Walker feat. Drake

The musical effects in this song feel magical to me, which reminds me of, you guessed it, snow. I don't know about you, but I find myself feeling pretty lonely in the winter too since it's a dark, cold time of the year, so I find the lyrics relatable for the wintertime.

17. "Saint Pablo" - Kanye West

Alright, this song solely reminds me of winter because I first discovered it in the winter during my high school junior year. However, the vibe of this song is a sort of angry sadness that is also often felt in winter. In other words, its more like a blizzard than a light snowfall.

18. "tis' the damn season" - Taylor Swift

I'm pretty sure this song was written with winter in mind hence the title, so it makes sense that it has a wintery vibe. The guitar strumming in the background definitely adds to the chilly, winter atmosphere of the song.

19. "White Ferrari" - Frank Ocean

The synths strike again. Frank's beautiful voice combined with the haunting synth creates the perfect ambiance for a slow, reflective walk in the snow. I used to listen to this song in the winter all time when I was feeling sad.

20. "Paris" - The 1975

I love the magical upbeat feeling of "Paris." When I hear this song, I picture walking through a city or town while it snows and just feeling in awe of the place that you're in. It has such a pretty, dreamy vibe.

What did we learn here ladies and gentlemen? Synths and slow beats equal quality winter music. Give these songs a try if you need some new music to listen to, I hope you enjoyed at least a couple of them!

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