Ah, social media. The reason that we live in breathe. Not actually, but come on. Who doesn't spend every free moment they have swiping through Twitter, or Instagram? I know I do. Social media is what makes the world go round. It's what tells us that our friends are probably having a better time than we are at their college, it shows us who is in a fight with who. With this great power, comes great responsibility. There are rules for this. These are the Social Media Don'ts.
1. Never double Insta.
You cannot post two pictures in one day (in less than 24 hours). This makes it seem like you're trying to show everyone that you actually had a great time, and not a fake great time that your filter showed. Double instagramming is just a sin. If you do double instagram (even though there are very few circumstances where this is acceptable) your caption must include something along the lines of "sorry for the double insta, but she was just too cute not to post" or something like that.
2. Don't hashtag.
No one hashtags anymore! The only way you can is if you're being completely sarcastic or if you're trying to win a contest. It is acceptable though to write out the whole word (for instance, hashtag lit is acceptable but #lit is not).
3. Don't subtweet.
I mean this is pretty self explanatory but a subtweet is when you indirectly tweet about someone because they did something that you did not like. Don't do this. This is so petty and immature. Come on people, if you're going to hate on someone just send them a text like the rest of us do.
4. Double/Triple texting is a no.
If they didn't answer you the first time, they're probably not going to answer you the second time. If you're telling a story you better be fitting it in one message. Stop Blowing Up Their Phones 2016.
5. Facebook statuses are NOT your diary.
No one cares about your political views, or that you stubbed your toe on the way to class. No one cares that you passed/failed your anthropology test.
6. Stop posting people peeing on Snapchat.
This is so ridiculous, and I don't even know how this became a trend. It's disgusting and no one wants to see people peeing. Also no one wants to see someone throwing up either. Stay away from bathrooms on Snapchat.
7. Don't post car accidents/people dying on Snapchat.
That's just completely insensitive. There isn't even anything to say about this. Oh and don't post on Snapchat you going to jail.
Please use social media wisely, it's a privilege not a right.