When thinking of the trailblazers that put "EDM" on the map, it's safe to assume someone who instantly pops into mind is Skrillex. The LA native responsible for crossing dubstep and electronic music has accumulated six Grammy's in a whirlwind career, but for anyone that knows the trajectory of the Skrillex's carrer knows that it started far before he was a producer / DJ.
Dating back to the early 2000's a 16-year-old Skrillex, real name Sonny Moore, stood at the front of a post-hardcore band called From First To Last. Peaking at the height of the Warped Tour and Hot Topic glory days, From First To Last ruled the scene with Moore at the helm with a distinctive and raw set of vocals. Eventually, Moore came to part ways with the band and later emerged a few years later as the electronic music goliath known as Skrillex.
Not one to pigeon-hole himself in any fashion, Moore has now return to his roots, rejoining the original line-up of From First To Last for a new single titled "Make War." Whether unsure if post-hardcore will make a comeback in 2017, Moore on vocals of "Make War" makes a strong case for its revival. "Make War" is both as current as it it is nostalgic. Check out the try below and prepare for a flashback to 2007.