Six Times The News Needed A "Do Not Try This At Home" Warning Label
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Six Times The News Needed A "Do Not Try This At Home" Warning Label

These weird news stories are a refreshing change to ordinary news.

Six Times The News Needed A "Do Not Try This At Home" Warning Label

Admit it, no matter how much you claim to love politics I guarantee you are at least a LITTLE sick of hearing about the election. Am I right? I'm right. As important as all of that fun stuff is, it's okay to check out some other news. Especially stories are bizarre as these six!

1. "Father of the Year" Award Goes to the Guy Who Used His Child As Armor

An ordinary traffic stop in West Virginia turned out to be quite the opposite of ordinary. A man sped off from the scene and was chased by State Police. After what we can imagine was an action packed, thrilling high-speed cop chase, the man eventually stopped. When the police ordered him to exit the vehicle and proceed to lie on the ground, the man decided it would be a better idea to use his own spawn as cover. Yes, that's right, he grabbed his son and held him in front of him for the intent of protection. Police eventually separated the two, after the man tried to hide behind the child when the police attempted to pepper spray him. Repeat after me parents: "My child is not a human shield."

2. Are You As Dedicated to Romance As the Guy Who Waited Ten Days For His Date to Show Up?

Online dating has pretty much taken over how we meet people these days. It is so easy to sit on the couch and have your pick of tons of eligible bachelors or bachelorettes at the touch of your fingers. 41-year-old Alexander Cirk made one of the most romantic gestures you can do by flying thousands of miles to visit his love in China. Cirk says he sent the lucky lady proof that he was coming, but she thought it was a joke. When his girl didn't show, this guy spent ten whole days at an airport, absolutely determined to see her! Alexander was eventually taken to the hospital and treated for conditions that have not been realized. What this guy went through to show his love while some of us cannot even get a text back!

3. Is Your Love for Mac-and-Cheese Strong Enough to Serve Time?

Did that subtitle blow your mind a little? Yeah, you read it right! Last year a young man in Florida named Luke got a little angry when he was refused his cheesy noodles. I'm sure we can all sympathize, mac-and-cheese really is that good. Okay, maybe not good enough to be arrested. The pasta enthusiast was arrested again recently for battery an resisting an officer. Can we just give this guy some macaroni already?!

4. This Monkey Thief Has Gone Bananas!

A jewelry store in India was in for a surprise when they experienced a robbery. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the culprit was a monkey. This little animal took about $150 from a cash register but later dropped it. Cut him some slack, maybe he has hungry monkey babies at home to feed!

5. Who Says You Need Two for a Honeymoon?

Congratulations to Faizan and Sana on their marriage! Love is great, isn't it? The two had a wonderful trip planned to Europe to celebrate their act of love. Unfortunately, Sana lost her passport. So what did Faizan do to save the day? He left her and went alone! He couldn't waste such a great trip, of course! All is well though, he took a paper cutout picture of her face. That makes it okay, right?

6. Erupting Volcanoes are OBVIOUSLY the Perfect Excuse to Surf

Remember when we were younger and pretended the floor was lava so we could jump from couch to couch and avoid it? I have a hunch that Allison Teal lost the game's rules. This impressive woman surfed the base of the volcano while it was erupting. Allison claims it was a lifelong dream and enjoyed every second of it. You go, girl! I'll continue staying as far away from volcanoes as possible!

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