13 Signs You Have A Toxic Friend That Needs To Go
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13 Signs You Have A Toxic Friend That Needs To Go

What do we do with toxins? We do our best to get rid of them.

13 Signs You Have A Toxic Friend That Needs To Go

One might cleanse their bodies and minds with detox drinks and teas, plenty of sleep, yoga and exercise, and of course, self-care. However, most people look over the fact that keeping around negative people in their lives can actually take a drastic toll on one's well-being. These people are considered toxic people. They aren't giving back what you're giving to them. They are instead playing with your emotions constantly and could care less of the harm they're inflicting. What do we do with harmful toxins, you may ask? We rid them.

Just because you can't see the damage that these relationships invoke, you can feel it in your hearts that something isn't quite right and it hurts. Bad.

You catch yourself wondering if it's just you overthinking. But let me start by saying this: listen to your instinct. Our intuition is almost always right. If we are feeling some type of way about the people we are hanging out with, it's time to find new friends.

I understand that it may be tough to let go of your old friends, since they are what you are immune to, but there comes a point when it's time to pick up and move on. There are so many down-to-earth individuals out there that are fully capable of showing compassion and support for others. Doesn't that sound rewarding? To be surrounded by generosity and love? I thought so. Here's a list of red flags that means it's time to filter out some toxic friends:

1. They cut you off when you're talking all the time.

Okay, I get that overlapping is normal in conversing but, really? The whole time? You're a friend, not an authoritative.

2. They pretend that they're listening while they sit in complete silence but then when you're done talking, they don't even give back decent advice or feedback.

There isn't any acknowledgement of what you're saying. Instead, there's the occasional nod, a "good luck with that", and then the predicted quick change of the subject. Suddenly, you find yourself listening to how great her sex life is.

3. When you need them the most, they're suddenly gone.

It's a weird phenomenon really. One minute, they're there. In the next, POOF, they've vanished. Congratulations, your new talent is making your friends disappear. And no, you didn't do anything wrong. Your friend just sucks.

4. You feel as if you rely on them for comfort and support but what really are they doing for you?

So you opened up to them. You told them about your darkest times along with the brightest. You told them everything from your greatest accomplishments, to your family life, and even about your aspirations, but what do you get in return? Ah, the good old fashioned closed door treatment. They aren't budging. Once in awhile, you might hear about their crazy boss but most of the time, you have no damn idea what's going on in their lives unless you're asking them specifically about something.

5. They're on their phone most of the time you're with them.

You're really getting into what you're talking about, and then they whip out their phones and start snapchatting. HELLO? Oh how it would be so different if it were the other way around.

6. You put your trust into them, but they never hold it for long.

They are always doing something that questions their loyalty to you. Need I say more?

7. They say "love you" and "I'm here for you" a lot but aren't capable of expressing those words through their actions.

You can't just throw those words around if the way you act doesn't justify them. They're just words until you give them value.

8. They don't support your growth.

We're all adults here. If your friends aren't happy for you for the efforts you're making to better yourself, something is definitely off. When you accomplish something, they never genuinely mean "congratulations", they act almost jealous?

9. They criticize your every move and make you feel dumb.

Your friends shouldn't make you feel small and judged in any way. They're supposed to help boost your confidence. The occasional sarcastic remarks are perfectly fine, but all the time? I can't fake any more awkward laughs.

10. You find yourself not wanting to hang out with them at all.

Like I said earlier, you need to listen to your intuition.

11. There's nothing to talk about anymore.

If you find someone that you vibe with, stick with them. Otherwise, if they aren't interested in talking about aliens and conspiracy theories, their beliefs and goals, good food, and the latest show that they watched, they gotta go. Without a doubt.

12. You feel like you can't be your true self around them.

You can cut the tension in the air with a knife. You catch yourself constantly thinking about what to say next, as if there's a filter whenever they're around. Weird? Not so much. If you can't be your complete and quirky self around them, they don't deserve you and your precious time.

13. They act one way around you but act like a completely different person around others.

Adapting to different groups of people in society is only a natural habit that we all possess. However, if they're laid back and sincere to you, and then they act like a wild animal when they're with their other friends, it can throw a person out of whack. They're one person, so how many personalities could they possibly have? At this point, they might as well be the next stranger you encounter at your local Walmart.

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