Short Story on Odyssey: Why Did We Open That Door? PT. 1
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Short Story on Odyssey: Why Did We Open That Door? PT. 1

Part 1 of the sequel to "Don't Open That Door"

Short Story on Odyssey: Why Did We Open That Door? PT. 1
werner22brigitte, CC0 Creative Commons

Laying on the floor of the 19th century modern brick home, Beatriz, Andrew and Finn both looked at the door and then at each other.

All of them slowly stood up from the floor, and inched closer to the door.

The door that reappeared looked different that the one that led them out of Sweden. It was made from an old pine giving it a darker sangria color. The hinges seemed to be replaced appearing to be newer than the door.

Finn approached the door and grabbed the handle of the door and turned it. He pulled the door to reveal nothing but a closet space filled with brooms, some cleaning supplies and the top shelf of the closet were piles of shoe boxes.

"See we can't expect every door that we open to open to some magical fantasy land," said Andrew smirking at Beatriz and Finn

"Oh really? So you're saying that this closet space with this junk was always here?" asked Beatriz

Finn grabbed the box on the shelf knocking over the rest of the boxes to the floor. The boxes on the floor spilled out a pair of leather boots.

Beatriz picked up the boots.

"This pair of raggedy boots looked like they have been worn through, but this pair looks like they have been store-bought," pointed out Beatriz

"Well maybe the owner said that his business included presenting cowboy boots?" said Andrew

"And cowboy hats?" asked Finn, opening his box and placing a black cowboy hat on his head. "Howdy partner."

"Alright, alright, let's stop going through this guy's stuff," commanded Andrew. "Let's put everything back where it was and not open this door again."

"Ok, look I'm closing the closet door right now," pointed Finn, "but I'm not taking off this hat."

"Let's go get something to eat, I'm starving," admitted Beatriz

"Wow, for the first time, Finn isn't the one who's always hungry," laughed Andrew

"Hey!," exclaimed Beatriz punching Andrew in the shoulder. They walked toward the kitchen to find something to eat.

Days passed and they didn't bother to open the door. After what seemed like a normal long day. Andrew coming home from his internship while Beatriz and Finn wandering around town by the nearby plaza filled with cafes, shops, bakeries.

At around 3am the door that only opened to closet supplies started clattering. Andrew and Beatriz weren't disturbed by the sound, but Finn couldn't sleep.

"What's that noise?" whispered Finn. He hardly opened his eyes before he turned himself over in bed to his other side, but the clattering didn't stop.

Angered by the constant clattering, Finn, barely awake, walked out of his room towards the living room. He turned on the light that was in the living room to see the door clattering and flashes of light appearing from underneath the door frame.

Finn ran towards Beatriz room and shook her awake.

"Beatriz, wake up! Something is going on with the door!" yelled Finn at Beatriz,

"Finn, you're sleepwalking, go back to sleep," said Beatriz

"Beatriz! Please believe me, and do this one thing for me!" yelled Finn

"Alright...., I'm going," yelled Beatriz

Andrew walked towards his door, and yelled out, "What's going on?"

"Come on, I gotta show you something," said Finn

They walked toward the living room, that looked at the door where the one of the hinges was coming loose.

They stepped closer to the door trying to fix the hinge that was coming loose with every rattle of the door.

"We gotta keep the door closed," declared Andrew

Andrew grabbed the hinges of the door pushing them back in, while Beatriz and Finn grabbed one side of the door pushing it in. But the both hinges broke off, and the door too heavy for Finn and Beatriz to hold up slammed on the floor of the home. Andrew, Beatriz, and Finn tried grabbing onto the door when a gust of wind knocked them down and started pulling them through the doorway.

"Noooo not again!" yelled Beatriz.

We're Not in New York Anymore

They tumbled through the doorway and down a hill covering themselves in sand and roots, until they stopped.

"Oww...," muttered Andrew

Finn coughed the sand that was in his mouth, while Beatriz rubbed her eyes to see where they were at, and tried to stand up, but all she saw was more hills of sand, she turned towards Andrew and Finn.

"What are you guys wearing?" questioned Beatriz

They looked down and then at each other. Finn wore a white and black plaid buttoned down shirt with a black vest and navy blue jeans. He had a black cowboy hat and charcoal colored boots with the sharp spur attached to it. Andrew wore a white buttoned shirt tied with a black bowtie, a gray vest with a chain that reached from the back of his vest to his front pocket, and coal colored jeans.

"Look at what you're wearing Beatriz," pointed Finn

Beatriz wore a brown vest on top of a red and blue buttoned down shirt and brown pants that had a ruffled fringes on edge on the pants. Along with that she had a chestnut colored cowboy hat, and tall boots.

"I don't remember falling asleep in this outfit, let alone owning an outfit like this..," observed Andrew

"Actually I wouldn't be surprised if you walked around on a daily basis in those clothes," smirked Finn at Andrew.

"But this does look like the hat and boots that were in the closet before the door decide us to suck us in," continued Finn.

"Finn, Andrew look," pointed Beatriz to two men on horses chasing each other from a nearby distance yelling at each other until they disappeared. Beatriz walked toward the edge of the other hill. Finn and Andrew followed her. Below them was a town filled with old buildings built in a Western style that ranged in different sizes. The town was bustling with people rising on horses and horses pulling carriages.

"This seems like a good time to ask what year it is, and where are we?" asked Finn

To be continued........

(Dedicated to friends, Kim and Marc, who wanted to know more about the adventures of Andrew, Beatriz and Finn).

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