Oversexualized And Underappreciated
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Oversexualized And Underappreciated

You Are Still A QUEEN!!

Oversexualized And Underappreciated
Derek Gores

Your beauty surpasses that of any other creatures on earth. Far deeper than skin. God created you with delicacy and warmth; understanding and love. From the complexity of your ways to your gentle, yet direct speech. Some would venture to say women were created with a certain influential power that was meant to be used for the good of mankind. More than what you've been brainwashed to believe. Your purpose is to gently nudge the opposite sex into the right direction; to nurture and shape the minds of children and to lead gracefully but fiercely. This is your mission and the challenge is yours! If it were up to the media you would never know this but you are the key to a civilized society. You have a secret power, use it wisely!

In the bible wisdom is referred to as a SHE, so why is it portrayed so often that young girls must dumb themselves down and lose self-respect to achieve success or to be considered equal to their counterparts? Why aren't women respected and revered as we should be? For decades society has done more than its share to encourage young ladies to be anything but. From twerking in music videos to acting dumb in movies. Women are made to strip down physically baring all, leaving very little to the imagination. Much of the time, talked down upon and told her beauty is just skin deep and her worth is wrapped in her physical attributes. Don't deny yourself the treasures of your soul by dumbing yourself down for the entertainment of others or to get "the guy." If you have to step down and he's proven to you that he can't step up he's not worth it.

Due to how the media portrays us and things we post online it has gotten to the point that woman are not taken seriously. If a woman is raped, the first thing that society says is that she "brought it on herself" because she was wearing revealing clothes or that she was misleading and flirtatious with her behavior. As if what she was wearing or how she acted justifies her being violated. A woman SHOULD be able to wear whatever pleases her without subjecting herself to any undesired attention. I think it's GREAT when women can appreciate her natural outward beauty and the world should too! However, problems arise when an emphasis is placed on her physicality and she becomes an object to be laughed at. Almost everything involving women is over sexualized from Halloween to simple exercise routines and even female video game characters. We have little girls growing up in a society where they believe that's all they are and all they will ever be.

Queens, we have to take our crowns back and the first step to doing that is realizing your worth. You are worth far more than the world tells you. The focus of a woman shouldn't be sex appeal. There is far too much at stake here to overlook the whole package. As we mature from girls to women, there is a certain essence that is to be adored; an essence that separates a woman from a man. By over sexualizing everything you lose the essence of the woman which in turn, makes women go from being passionate individuals with a mind to a mere joke. Objectification is the reason why women are not taken seriously.

The media subconsciously convinces young girls that the females are inferior to the males; that you're only appreciated for your body and your mind has no value. The unfortunate thing is that this upcoming generation has few role models to look up to. Cover you body and you will discover your mind and uncover your heart. Bare it all, in a mental sense not in a physical sense. Remind yourself that you are as precious as a pearl, as rare as a ruby and to be as appreciated as a diamond no matter what the rest of the world tells you.

Remember who you are and the power you possess within. Don't get trapped in the bars society has set up for you. Don't let your past mistakes restrict you in life, learn from them and move on. Your biggest mistake would be to never try; to rely on what society defines you as. Challenge yourself! Always ask questions. Pick up your crown! YOU ARE STILL A QUEEN!!!! Hold your head up high and press on baby girl.

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