1. Tacky Walmart Clothes.
When you're out in the middle of nowhere for the summer, it gets pretty difficult to drive back into the city to pick up things at the mall or an outlet. So trips to the closest Super Walmart will have to suffice. And if you're not keen on it yet, the t-shirt section there is perfect for any camp dress up days you can think of. Whether it be super heroes or tie dye, 'Murica Monday, or Tacky Tuesday, Walmart's got you covered.
2. Tan lines.
From your hand to your toes, tan lines at camp can come from anything you can think of. Wearing your sunglasses for too long? Tan line. Wearing your swim suit for an hour? Tan line/ Wearing your watch or ring? Tan line. You learn to just embrace them!
3. Friendship Bracelets.
Who has ever heard of going to camp and not coming back with an armful of handmade friendship bracelets? Because I sure haven't. It might seem like its meant just for the kids, but counselors know they probably spend just as much time as anyone else in the art room.
4. Sweating through your clothes.
Everyone knows that summer is hot, but only camp counselors know what it means to have to sweat through your clothes and keep a smile on your face the entire time. You might be drenched, but you're still going to have a blast!
5. No Makeup.
Make up is pointless in 90 degree heat. It just starts melting off your face as the sun gets high enough in the sky, and then you walk around looking like a raccoon for the rest of the day. There are bright sides to no make up though. It lets your face take a nice breather from all the product that you might cake on the rest of the year, and you realize that your face isn't so bad without it.
6. Carrying a backpack everywhere.
A backpack is everything at camp. You may not return to your room all day so you have to be prepared for anything and everything. It carries all the essentials, like a schedule, a water bottle, bandaids and Neosporin for the campers, sunscreen, and bug spray, medication, and those back up t-shirts you may eventually change into later in the day.
7. Learning 10 different braid styles and their variations.
Especially while the campers are young, they'll more than likely ask you to braid their hair back from their faces. Which would be easier if there weren't so many different braids to choose from. One girl could want pig tail braid, while another wants pig tail french braids, and even another could just want pigtails. Counselors eventually learn the many ways to braid hair, and consider themselves professional hair stylists.