16 Easy, Peasy, Punny Halloween Costumes
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16 Easy, Peasy, Punny Halloween Costumes

DIY and lookin fine!

16 Easy, Peasy, Punny Halloween Costumes

Wanna be the best dressed for Halloween but don't want to break the bank? Here are some punny DIY costume ideas for girls and guys that'll keep you looking funky fresh and funny as heck!

1. Night and Day

For this costume, you'll have to sacrifice some of your clothing. Half of your body will be dressed for bed and the other half will be ready to start the day! Feel free to spruce it up with some hair curlers or 5 o'clock shadow for the night and full makeup for the day. Or you can be half the sun and half the moon like this guy!

2. Cloudy with a Chance of Rain

For this costume, wear an outfit of light or bright blues to be the sky (even if it's just jeans and a light blue t shirt, a light blue dress or something specially bought like galaxy leggings) an then glue cotton balls to a hat to make a cloud. To top it all off, bring a spray bottle full of water to make it raaain (literally)!

3. I'd Like to Have You for Dinner

This one is a bit more advanced. Get some cardboard or styrofoam that you can put on your shoulders. Also get a table cloth. cut a hole in the middle of the cardboard and table cloth for your head to fit through. Next, use some aluminum foil to create the look of a platter around the hole so when you put your head through, it looks like your head is being served on a platter. Feel free to decorate the rest of the table with paper plates, cups, and other spooky appetizers (like ladyfingers- fake fingers in between bread)! You could even write on the table "I'd love to have you for dinner".

4. Raining Cats and Dogs and I Stepped in a Poodle

Put your raincoat and rain boots on, get that umbrella out and break your old stuffed animals out of storage. Tie stuffed animals to your umbrella like they're falling out of the sky and save the stuffed poodle to tie to your rain boot!

5. Miss Understood

Alright girls it's time to get fancy! Put on something Miss America would wear, get a tiara (unless your like my sister and already have a few to choose from) and write Miss Understood on the sash!

6. Law Suit

Whether you're a guy or a girl, throw on a suit and attach legal papers to it!

7. Freudian Slip

Put on a slip and a name tag that says "Freud" or "Freudian".

8. Legal Brief

Just wear boxers and a banner that says "legal". I feel like there's an even funnier 21 year old joke in there somewhere, but I'll let you figure that out.

9. Cereal Killer

Stick plastic knives into boxes of cereal and attach those boxes to whatever outfit you're wearing. If you feel like going the extra mile, you could even use fake blood!

10. Facebook

So there's an easy way and a hard way. The hard way is cutting a hole in a cardboard box to stick your face in and then make the box look like a book. The easy way is to write the word BOOK somewhere on your face or draw a book somewhere on your face.

11. Ceiling Fan

Dress up as a cheerleader and hold a sign or write on your costume "GO CEILING!" Talk about rooting for the HOME team.

12. The Spice Girls

An a-typical rendition on one of my favorite group costumes. Instead of dressing up as the lovely Wannabee singers, print out pictures of spices and wear them on your shirt.

13. Pumpkin Pi

Carry around (or dress up as) a pumpkin and write the pi formula on the pumpkin.

14. Social Butterfly

Strap on some wings and tape printed out pictures of the apps Facebook, Vine (RIP), Twitter, SnapChat, Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn (if you're feelin adulty).

15. Formal Apology

Get out the Sunday Best and add something that says "I'm sorry" to your outfit. Maybe guys could write it on their tie or girls could write it on a sash. Or just tape a piece of paper saying I'm Sorry to your outfit!

16. Apple Sauced

***Not pictured because it's my mom's original idea. It makes sense now that I won every Halloween costume contest. My mom's a genius.****

Carry basket of apples with empty liquor bottles in it! Or you could wear clothing that has apples on it or dress up as an apple and tape those little liquor bottles to your person (only if you're 21 or older, of course).

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