Do you remember? I can barely remember that day, I was in first grade and I heard that Ms. Cordes in the other class was watching the event unfold on her TV. I had no idea what was going on, no one knew. But then my mom, worried sick, came and picked me up. I did not fully understand what happened until I was older. It makes me angry every time I watch videos of those planes going into the towers.
Sunday was the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks carried out on September 11th, 2001, by Islamic extremists. It is being taught to some as an event that happened before they were born and I do not know if they will view it the same way that most of us do. I want the younger kids to learn about how Americans responded that day, striving to help each other, the bravery of the first responders who lost their lives, and the overarching horror that spread through the nation. I want the kids to learn that we were angry, full of rage, and that you do not harm a single American life and get away with it. I am always at a loss when I talk about this tragic event because I was so young when it happened.
So now I ask of you, do you remember? How will you remember or speak your view on 9/11? I love my country, and I want to share the patriotic view, the one in which this day is not just a reminder of those who were lost but how we responded to losing those innocent lives. It should be very prominent that we did not get weaker after that day. I pray I never forget about this day. Remember the sacrifices made.This country has many imperfections, but it is still, in my opinion, the best country on God's green earth. God bless this country.