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6 Ways Girls Can Practice Self-Care This V-Day, Because Self-Love Is The Greatest Love Of Them All

Hugs and kisses to myself.

6 Ways Girls Can Practice Self-Care This V-Day, Because Self-Love Is The Greatest Love Of Them All

Whether you'll be spending your Valentine's Day alone or with a loved one(s), you can still provide yourself with your own love. This day is about love anyway so might as well love yourself a little extra too.

Mani pedi

Treat yo-self! Save up during the week and splurge on a mani-pedi for yourself. Nothing like feeling clean and freshly groomed after a long week of work, stress and school.

Hair mask or face mask

Yes, possibly the most basic of the self-care routine but there is something about doing these masks that make you feel like a different person. Feeling fresh and renewed, you can tackle your newest battle. You can even include a significant other or your valentine in this!


No matter what you do, light a candle, two or three. The atmosphere of a room with candle light and the smell of clean linen and lavender really make you feel like your life is together. So read a book, watch a movie or just close your eyes and meditate and listen to the crackling of your burning wicks.

Sip your favorite drink

Wine, tea, coffee or even water. Make it exactly how you want it and have a glass or two and enjoy the presence of yourself, or the ones around you. Don't forget, pinkies up!


Even though it includes work, take some time to organize. Your life (lol), your room, your closet, or even your purse it will definitely feel worth it in the long run when you have things put in order. If your bag is organized, it's one step closer to getting your metaphorical purse, aka life in order.

Dive into dessert

You can be a chocolate, vanilla or whatever flavor fan, just find something totally worth the calories and jump right in. It's a night of splurging so go all out and enjoy every bite of it. Even though it might be Valentine's Day where you feel obligated to share, remember you don't have to!

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