I'm Scared For America's Future
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I'm Scared For America's Future

Delve into the mind of a millenial for a change.

I'm Scared For America's Future
Gage Skidmore / Flickr

With racial tensions on the rise, and the presidential campaigns coming to a close, the American people are close to snapping — including myself. You may be asking “What and the hell is this girl talking about?” right now. But I think it’s time for people to hear a millennial perspective on what is going on in America right now.

The 2016 presidential election — a race that has had so many twists and turns, I don't even know what to expect next. What concerns me the most is how many people are supporting Trump. We look at the polls on CNN and FOX News mocking Trump for his demeaning public speaking skills and his morals/values. Oh yeah, and remember when countless memes were spreading around social networks like fire when Trump first announced his presidency. Most of us underestimated his capabilities as a presidential nominee. But, one thing turned into another and Trump claimed the spot as the Republican presidential nominee. Thousands and thousands of Americans stared at their television screens with their jaws dropped and eyes wide in disbelief. Yes, Trump actually has the power to win the presidential election. How can he though when America has evolved and is no longer focusing on separating the nation in its entirety, but bringing us closer? That’s a false belief that many of us have had since the end of the Civil Rights Movement. We thought with that national revolution, racism and discrimination would diminish along with it. Boy, were we wrong.

Countless times, Mr. Trump has irrevocably insulted against those of the Latino heritage — specifically immigrants. “[Immigrants] They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists…” There goes Trump’s votes from the Hispanic population, right down the toilet. However, this does not deter Trump from making any more discriminatory statements about the Latino population. Lets not forget when Trump attacked the parents of a U.S. Army officer who died in the line of duty. This man happened to be Muslim and Trump decided to use the family’s faith to create a blunt and crass message to the family, that was sadly influenced by stereotypes. Additionally, Trump is now begging for the African-American vote. "You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs. Fifty-eight percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?" Unconventional thoughts like these are not the way to get our vote. Trump aimlessly failed again to get another portion of the minority vote. What a surprise. These are only a few of the several times Trump has blatantly made racist/discriminatory or even misogynistic remarks during his entire presidential campaign.

Now back to the main question reveling us all: How is Trump winning in the polls? This is because many of the American people support Trump’s ideals, no matter how unethical they are. The sad truth is that America has not evolved since the Civil Rights era. Maybe a little, but has there been great change or improvement? No, not really. People are still being discriminated against every single day because of their ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender, etc. Times have changed, but history is repeating itself.

Is Mr. Trump the right man to bring us out of the dark times we are facing in America right now? No, because he is not a sensitized man who embraces diversity and coming together. Even though his campaign slogan is "Make America Great Again" I doubt he will do that. Rather, he would prefer for there to be separation in America, going back to America’s past. I know that some of the people of my generation are voting for Trump because of his businessman qualities. But who would hire someone that is very knowledgeable of the business world, but lacks people skills? No one would. Lastly, I fear that if he becomes president, America will be deeply troubled. History will repeat itself. Racial tensions will be at their ultimate peak, a breakout bound to happen at any moment. So no, Trump, you will not be getting my vote in November.

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