After the season five finale of "Scandal" on ABC last Thursday, everyone has been left wondering what exactly is going to happen with the love triangle between Jake, Olivia and Fitz. Well fellow gladiators, if it were up to me the love triangle would be over and Olivia would have finally made her choice, the obvious choice. When it comes to epic love stories, Olivia and Fitz are one for the ages.
Here are some of the top moments of Olitz that just proves how much they are meant to be together.
How they met
Who can forget the moment when Olivia got onto Fitz's radar and told him exactly why he was not going win the election? She called him out on his marriage and how it was going to cost him the election and immediately he was attracted to her to straight forward personality and being able to speak her mind. He knew he was attracted to her right away.
"Watch me earn you"
Olivia told Fitz that of he wanted her he needed to earn her, and that's exactly what he did in season two. Who can forget the time when Fitz went to Olivia's apartment and waited with her as he "ran out the clock" with Millie and their marriage. Knowing that Millie would go on air and tell the world he was having an affair, he sat with Olivia and proved to her that he was in this for the long run.
And then she did the same to him ...
Vermont is for lovers, too
Vermont was always the dream. He would be Mayor and she would be making jam. It was the life they always wanted, and Fitz started that dream by building the house they both wanted.
Here Comes The Sun
Last season in the finale viewers finally got what they have been waiting for, finally. Fitz and Olivia were together at last.
The season five winter finale left us thinking Olitz was over for good, but in last weeks season finale we are back to the big question, Will they ever get Vermont?
Olivia and Fitz are meant to be together, it was never easy for them but they cannot control how much they love each other. Please Shonda Rimes, gives us Vermont.