Summer Is Beautiful Now, But If We Don't Take Care Of Our Planet, It May Not Always Be | The Odyssey Online
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Summer is beautiful Now, but If We Don't Take Care Of Our Planet, it may not always be

Why not try to save our Earth so we can enjoy it forever?

Summer is beautiful Now, but If We Don't Take Care Of Our Planet, it may not always be
Taylor Grant

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In the United State of America, there are many threats to our biological diversity. Almost all of the threats to biological diversity in the U.S. are caused by American practices. Climate change, Invasive species, and deforestation are three very serious threats to biodiversity within the U.S.

Climate change is a great threat to biodiversity all around the world, but there are many ways Americans can help reduce the threat of Climate change to protect Mother Earth. Climate Change is caused by the Greenhouse Effect. The Greenhouse Effect is when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. This heat that gets trapped in the atmosphere is created from various semi-permanent gases. Some of the semi-permanent gases are naturally given off by plants into the atmosphere but become dangerous when that gases are being trapped within Earth's atmosphere at an excelled rate. The three main gases responsible for Climate change are Nitrous Oxide, Methane, and Carbon Dioxide. Increased outputs of these particular gases are caused by many American Practices. Burning fossil fuels, biomass burning and gas exerted from landfills are huge American practices that are responsible for Climate change.

Climate change affects Biodiversity greatly. Climate change affects seasons, weather patterns, loss of sea ice, and most importantly shifts vegetation zones. The effects can harm biodiversity because it causes dramatic changes to species growth. The United States could see adverse effects on Climate change if we began to take dramatic action. The US could use more fuel-efficient cars, increase alternative transportation, require greater corporations to use more solar power, decrease our water usage and RECYCLE.

Another great threat to biological diversity in the United States is invasive species. Invasive species often enter the United States illegally, smothered on airplanes and ships in people's luggage. The U.S. is faced with many invasive snakes, like the Burmese Python. The Burmese Python is originally from Southeast Asia. This species has single-handedly destroyed Florida's Everglades. They eat any mammal in sight and have decreased many populations by more than half. Invasive species are foreign and can be animals and or plants that kill native species. Invasive species can grow and spread and disturb the surrounding ecosystems.

The best way to prevent more invasive species in the United States is to be extremely more conscious when people are crossing borders. This would require TSA to be extremely thorough in airports. Also informing people of the dangers of invasive species could decrease the threat. Informing travelers could make people less inclined to want to bring home pets or foreign plants. Finally, enforcing strict laws upon anyone in possession with an invasive species, or caught trying to smuggle invasive species.

Deforestation is a danger to biological diversity because it can either kill native species and force species from their homes. Consumers in the United States affect deforestation dramatically. By supporting corporations that participate in any way of deforestation is causing an extreme threat to biodiversity. Also, the United States' meat intake is a great harm to biodiversity. Livestock causes a great harm to biodiversity. Livestock requires a lot of land and increases soil loss.

In order to prevent and decrease deforestation, the U.S must regulate companies. Requiring companies to replant the same amount of trees that they tear down would be a great step in the right direction. Also, Americans could help fight deforestation by planting more trees, buying more recyclable products, shopping organic and reducing meat intake.

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