Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer | The Odyssey Online
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Sad Girl Hour Playlist

For when you really need to just get it out.

Sad Girl Hour Playlist
Photo by DANNY G on Unsplash

Sometimes, life is just really hard. Whether it be work, school, friendships, relationships or family, sometimes it's just all too much and too hard to deal with. It can feel like no matter how hard you might try, life just keeps pushing you down, and makes it hard to really do anything. And sometimes in those moments, you just need to have a good cry and let it all out. To be honest, I find myself in this situation almost weekly. But I've felt this way enough to know that once the cry is out, I'll feel much better. Which is why I have the perfect playlist of songs to listen to when you just need a good cry.

Leaving My Love Behind by Lewis Capaldi

This song is a great one to cry to because it's one a lot of people can relate to. Essentially, the song is about being unhappy in a relationship, and wondering where it all went wrong. When you used to have a loving relationship, full of long conversations and happiness, it's now dull and full of uncertainty and words left of unspoken. The thought of staying in an unhappy relationship is awful, but the thought that it was "all a waste of time" is even worse. It's a horrible feeling to experience, and if you've been through it before, you know how awful it can be. If you've been through something like this, this song is sure to make you cry.

Even If It’s a Lie by Matt Maltese

Here's another song a lot of people can relate to. The song is begging a person that they used to be in a relationship to just say that they loved them one more time, even if it's a lie. You know that they don't need you anymore, and that they're fine on their own, but you're not. You still want this person, and you still want them to be a part of your life, even though you know they don't feel the same way. It's absolutely heartbreaking. The idea of loving someone so much that, even though you know they don't love you, you just want to hear them say it one last time, is painful to think about, but it's unfortunately something a lot of people have been through or felt.

Falling by Harry Styles

Falling is the perfect song to cry to because it's so versatile. While the song was originally written about a relationship that just didn't work out, there are certain lyrics within the song anyone can relate to. The chorus itself is really easy to apply to any feeling of pain. Specifically the lyrics, "What if I'm someone I don't want around." This draws on the idea of self hatred, and the idea that, you might be such an awful person, that you don't even want to be around yourself. I don't know about anyone else, but this is a feeling I've felt multiple times myself, and that lyric always gets me.

Fragile Tears by awfultune

This song is pretty self explanatory going by the title. The song essentially is about crying. To be specific, crying because someone doesn't want you, or might not be right for you. It's a really sad song, and also touches on the idea of using alcohol to dull emotional pain. The lyrics, "Eyes filled with tears/ Fragile tears/ Down your wine then/ There, there, don't cry, cry" to me at least seem like someone is dealing with a lot of pain alone, and is relying on alcohol to dull the pain, then telling themselves everything will be okay. It's just a sad situation to think about, and regardless of the relationship aspect of it, everyone has felt pain, and been unsure about how to deal with it.

Ghost of You by 5 Seconds of Summer

Ghost of You is a song about missing someone. Whether that be a significant other, a friend, or a family member, it's about not feeling complete now that they're gone. The song talks about walking around the house and seeing things that remind them of that person, which only reminds them of how much better they were when they were with that person. It talks about dancing around the house, trying to deal with the pain, but inevitably ends with the lyrics, "My feet don't dance like they did with you." Calling again to the feeling of not being complete without that person.

Before You Go by Lewis Capaldi

(TRIGGER WARNING: suicide) Before you go is another great song to cry to. The song describes the time after a loved one has taken their own life, and the crushing feeling that comes with it, as well the wondering of what else you could have done differently or better to prevent it. Because the song is so tragic and heartbreaking, it only makes sense that the lyrics bring sad feelings to surface. Lyrics such as, "It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless," are heartbreaking enough as it is, but taking in the context that they were written in relation to a loved one taking their own life makes them so much worse.

Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer

This song by 5 Seconds of Summer is sure to evoke some tears. This song is about a loved one leaving you, and the pain of that being so unbearable, that you wish you could just forget it all. The lyrics specifically say, "I wish that I could wake up with amnesia. And forget about the stupid little things." And then goes on to lsit the "stupid little things" that the song wants to wish away. If you've ever had a partner leave you and felt so weighed down from the pain that you wish you could just forget it all, this song will definitely get some tears flowing.

The Night We Met by Lord Huron

This song describes the feeling of wanting to go back in time- to a time where you and your significant other hadn't met yet, so you could tell yourself not to pursue them. The song talks about how the relationship went downhill, with the lyrics, "I had all and then most of you/Some and now none of you." The relationship ended so badly, that you wish the entire thing had never happened. It's disheartening to think about the fact that something that was once so good could turn so bad. If you've ever been in a situation like this or been in a relationship that ended like this, this will easily make you emotional.

Things That I Miss by awfultune

Things That I Miss, is simply a song about missing someone. The song talks about all the things that they miss in the relationship, especially the little things. But despite recalling all the things they miss, and the fact that they miss the relationship itself, the song goes on to explain that they're doing well, and that they've learned their lesson, and they're moving on. They accept that it happened and that it's done now, and despite the fact that they may still miss it and think about it, they're past it. It's a bittersweet song, but it really accurately describes the process of getting over someone.

Hold Me While You Wait by Lewis Capaldi

If none of the other songs have worked for you, this one is certain to. This song is about a relationship that is not working out, and about to end. One of the people in this relationship doesn't want it to end though. And he's asking "Please, just for one last time hold me before you leave." That in itself is heartbreaking, but I think the most heartbreaking part of this entire song are the lyrics, "I wish I was good enough." Everyone has felt the pain these words have behind them at least once in their life, and when the reason you think they're true is because of a significant other, the sting of these words are even worse.

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