Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' Easter Eggs and Cameos [SPOILER WARNING]
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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' Easter Eggs and Cameos [SPOILER WARNING]

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' Easter Eggs and Cameos [SPOILER WARNING]

The highly anticipated 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' has flown into theaters (in less than 12 parsecs, I might add) and is getting praise from Star Wars fans old and new. If you wish to avoid spoilers, this is not the article you're looking for. You have been fairly warned. If you continue on, do so at your own will. May the force be with you.

1. Cameo #1:

Remember these two? Dr. Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba return for a brief cameo on Jedha. They didn't like Luke very much at the Mos Eisley Cantina. Lesson #1: don't front on Luke or you'll lose your arm to an old man with swift light saber skills.

2. Cameo #2:

Grand Moff Tarkin a.k.a. The scary scowler is in this movie! I will say, he's actually in the movie for 10 minutes, give or take, which is a bit more than a cameo. What's especially special about this particular appearance is that the actor portraying him, Peter Cushing, passed away in 1994. The movie-magicians behind this film digitally resurrected the Moff for a very eerie, yet spectacular performance.

3. Cameo #3:

C-3PO and R2-D2 continue their streak of appearing in every Star Wars film with a brief appearance on Yavin 4.

4. Cameo #4:

X-wing pilots Gold Leader and Red Leader appear in re-purposed footage from the original trilogy in a battle over the planet Scarif. In a morbid bonus to this scene, Red Five is shown briefly before his explosive demise. Luke Skywalker eventually takes over that call sign for himself.

5. Cameo #5: Darth Vader

Darth Vader is only in film for roughly 5-8 minutes, but every second is worth it. Each moment is tense, imposing, and his final scene trying to prevent the plans from falling into rebel hands is 100% pure grade bad ass. This was Vader the way he was meant to be.

6. Cameo #6: Princess Leia Organa

The movie-magicians did it again and brought Princess Leia back for a brief cameo at the end of the film when she his handed the plans for the Death Star. And we all know what happens next!

7. Cameo #7: Bail Organa

The staple character of the prequel trilogy and adoptive father of Princess Leia appears in the film and references both Obi-wan and Leia during his brief appearance.

8: Cameo #8: Mon Mothma

Mon Mothma is a long time character, appearing as a Senator of the Republic in the prequel movies, a 'Clone Wars' character, and as one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance in 'Rogue One' and the original trilogy.

Easter Eggs

1. " I have a bad feeling about this."

Everyone's new favorite droid starts to say the classic line before being quickly interrupted on Scarif.

2. "You may fire when ready."

Grand Moff Tarkin's line in 'Rogue One' is taken directly from 'A New Hope' when the Death Star fired on Alderaan.

3. Organa's "friend"

Bail Organa references an old friend from the Clone Wars, a discrete reference to the one and only Obi-Wan Kenobi.

4. Yavin 4 lookout

This iconic scene was repeated in a near shot-for-shot.

5. Kyber Crystals

As it turns out, Kyber crystals are what is required to power the Death Stars major laser. This means the Death Star is powered by the same source that powers the Jedi's lightsaber!

6. T-15

In 'A New Hope', Luke Skywalker references owning a T-16 Airspeeder. In "Force Awakens', two Stormtroopers are heard talking about the new T-17's. In 'Rogue One', two Stormtroopers on a Scarif beach are heard talking about how the T-15's are obsolete now.

7. Blue Milk

In the opening scene showing Jyn's childhood, a bottle of blue milk can be scene on the counter. It's a callback reference to the blue milke that Luke and his soon-to-be-dead Aunt and Uncle are seen drinking on Tatooine in 'A New Hope'.

8. Mustafar

If I am correct, then Vader's Castle was on Mustafar, the same planet that he and Obi-Wan had their epic battle in 'Revenge of the Sith' and Obi left Anakin limbless and burning to a crisp on a fiery hillside.

9. Dejarik

The holographic chess game played on the Millennium Falcon can be seen being played in Saw Gerreras hideout.

10. Coruscant

We travel back to Coruscant in a brief flashback scene to Jyn's Childhood.

What other easter eggs, callbacks, cameo's, or references did you notice? Add to the list in the comments below!

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