Last week's news heavily focused on the Republican National Convention and for good reason. This upcoming election is an important one and has many Americans feeling both frustrated and confused, but also hopeful. As last week has come to a close, many Americans are feeling more optimistic than ever before, despite the few unwavering moments that the RNC experienced. Melania Trump dominated much of the news regarding her speech, which may have been borrowed from the current first lady, but many additional news-worthy moments were created. Here are a few noteworthy moments from the RNC, in no particular order:
1. Tom Barrack's speech humanized Trump
Tom Barrack's speech, which was delivered on day four, was personally my favorite from the entire convention. He did not deliver a polished speech straight off the teleprompter, instead he was heartfelt and spoke with comfort and ease. He stepped out on the convention stage in a personable manner filled with humor and friendship. Barrack did not delve into political talk and slander, which was favorable. He talked about Donald Trump as a friend, as a man who has been by his side for years and years and plainly as an American business man, and just as an American man. This speech, for me, gave insight into Trump's life that humanized him and displayed that the candidate is an individual with a purpose, but also with heart. “He shows up on time. He befriends the bewildered" is a small sample of how Barrack spoke about his long-time friend. Check out the full speech below:
2. Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. "Make America safe again."
"Blue Lives Matter." Making America safe again is the message Clarke is delivering. The controversial topic of his speech does not leave everyone favoring his perspectives, yet the importance of safety in America remains to be a necessary topic for discussion. Check out the full speech here:
3. Eric Trump, personal and professional.
"Vote for the one candidate who does not need this job." Eric Trump spoke proudly about his father. He spoke about a well-regarded business man as well as a man who adores his country and wants to see America achieve its potential. Eric Trump proved that the candidate's children are composed, professional and most importantly proud of their father. Listen to the personal speech below:
4. Ted Cruz refuses to support Trump.
This speech remains to be a topic of conversation. Ted Cruz spoke to America, but in doing so he failed to endorse and support Trump. His unsupportive speech received boos from the crowd. Check it out for yourself:
5. Ivanka's speech is exactly what America needed to hear.
Ivanka Trump was the last speaker before the presidential candidate delivered his acceptance speech this past Thursday at the RNC. Her speech was an empowering creation that included personal details of her own experiences with her father, as well as reassurance of his fairness and strength. She identified as a millennial, spoke about the importance of gender equality in the workplace and disclosed her father's philosophy of gaining the opinion of every person on a particular job. Ivanka's speech was personal and detailed, which inevitably won over many Americans. In fact, after the well-received speech on Thursday, many are in favor of the idea of Ivanka for president. Watch the personal speech below:
6. Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, closes the RNC.
Naturally, Donald Trump closed the RNC, accepting the nomination for the presidency of the United States. This closing speech did not paint a picture of idealistic optimism, but rather included many unfavorable aspects of today's America. The speech was favored by many, and of course disliked as well. Create your own opinion after watching the full speech below: