55 Times Rihanna Proved She's The Queen Of Fashion
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55 Times Rihanna Proved She's The Queen Of Fashion

Here's why the Internet unanimously agrees Rihanna can wear anything.

55 Times Rihanna Proved She's The Queen Of Fashion

If there's one person the Internet loves, it's miss Robyn Fenty, commonly known as Rihanna. She is said to be able to wear anything and make it look magnificent. Some people even call her "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World". Her Instagram photos commonly reach over a million likes. Here are 55 times everyone's fashion muse proved to be everyone's icon.

1. Lady in Red

Movie blue carpet? No problem. Rihanna struts down with this fabulous red dress, keeping everyone's eyes on her at all times.

2. High Low Gown

Puffy and fabulous? No worries, Rihanna makes this high low puffy gown look classy and oh so dreamy.

3. Purple Hair and Sparkly Denim

Purple hair and pink eyeshadow looks so right on RiRi, don't you think?

4. Cozy Sweater Dress and Slacks

5. Leather Jacket and Over-the-Thigh Boots

Look at those shoes. Just look at them. I want one in every color...but Rihanna does it best.

6. Rihanna x Puma

I WISH I looked like this in a sweat suit.

7. Rihanna on Tour

That body suit, those thigh high boots again, that jacket...her tour looks are everything.

8. All White Angel

Those pants...who else could make them look stunning like Rihanna does? That's right, no one.

9. Suit and Eyebrows

Suits, braids, strong brows...watch out Cara DeLevigne, Rihanna is the actual queen of eyebrows.

10. Look Back at It

Honestly, I am not a fan of slip dresses over a t-shirt, aka everyone's outfit in the 90s, but Rihanna makes me love it. Of course.

11. Bathing Suit Ready

I mean, c'mon...red lips under a waterfall? Where can I buy this level of flawlessness?

12. Modeling Made Easy

She makes classic modeling look SO easy.

13. Golden Goddess

That pony. That romper suit. Those shoes. What a look!

14. Redheaded Stunner

Not only can she wear anything, but she can also rock any hairstyle. Look at that red!

15. That Met Gala Look

This may have sparked some memes, but you're lying to yourself if you still don't think she looks gorgeous.

16. Shaved and Elegant

With a shaved side in her classic quaff with a scale textured dress...Rihanna is serving major rocker class.

17. Sporty and Killing It

Tube socks?...Yeah, Rihanna could wear anything.

18. Effortlessly Breezy

When it comes to me vs. the breeze, I always end up with hair in my eye or caught in my lipstick...but RiRi looks glowing and dreamy.

19. Violet Riot

Purple lips, purple fur, and huge hoops...how does she do it?

20. Lilac Dream

The messy hair, bangs, striped lilac blazer...it's a yes from me.

21. So Lucky

She landed on the stage in a HELICOPTER. She is so extra in the best way possible.

22. What Are Those?

Look at those shoes. Those look like some kind of moon shoes...yet Rihanna makes them look so fresh.

23. Korean Town Chic

Just a normal street. In a normal city. She is so boujee and I love it.

24. Pink Princess

Too much tule? No such thing.

25. Princess Leia Vibes

No one else can make this look as good as Rihanna can. No one.

26. Power Suit

LOOK AT THIS LOOK. What a powerful woman.

27. Denim on Denim? Yes.

I don't think there is nothing I hate more than denim on denim. But this is no fashion disaster on Rihanna...it just makes me nod my head and slow clap.

28. An Angel in Pearls

Step aside Madonna...Rihanna stole your look and RAN with it.

29. Ombre Grey and Gown

That hair. Those lips. That gown...yes, yes and yes.

30. Just a Jacket

Have nothing to wear? Don't worry, just pair your man's jacket with a blinged-out choker and you're set.

31. Just Another Day

Rihanna totally walks around her place dressed like this. I'm convinced.

32. Military Green

Those shoes are to die for.

33. High Waisted, Gold, and a Bob

The gold detailing on the pants matched with the necklace? My breath was taken away. Wow.

34. Skiing In Style

Look at her. Skiing. Looking gorgeous as always. How?

35. Birthday Look

This outfit is probably my favorite. Look at that tiara. She is such a queen.

36. She Woke Up Like This

She definitely stepped out of bed and just casually took a photo before stepping into the shower. She is just at that level of beautiful.

37. Blue on Blue on Blue

What a perfect photo op. I wish my Instagrams' always looked as seamless as this.

38. Beachy and Fabulous

...Can I just move into RIhanna's closet? Please?

39. Two Piece Pingirl

Just a casual day at the beach, nothing new...looking effortless as usual.

40. Cultural Queen

Respectable Rihanna joins all the other babes in their culture...and slays doing it.

41. What A Baddie

Leopard print is not out of the game for Rihanna. And long sleeves, a scarf...in the desert! What a look.

42. Punk Rock

Is that a 16-year-old going to a music festival? Nope, it's Rihanna, and she makes it look even better.

43. Betty Boop Meets Marilyn Monroe

She has PINK EYEBROWS. And she still looks like a dream.

44. Mullets Are IN

Billy Ray Cyrus has nothing on this hairdo anymore. Someone please expain to me how she does it because honestly, I have no clue.

45. RSVP to the Stripes

I tried wearing pants like these once...yeah, I should just leave it to Rihanna.

46. Once a G Always a G

Things I also hate: camouflage. But Rihanna makes me think differently.

47. Sparkly Two Piece

Okay, look at those sunglasses. Who else can wear those? That's right, just Rihanna.

48. Black, White and Red

The detailing from this shoot is everything: the lipstick and the cushions, the white off the shoulder dress,, the red nails, the white toenails...I adore this look.

49. Bun and Fur

Those shoes are making me drool.

50. Tan Dream

Maybe I'm obsessed with hte pant suit look...but I mean, just look at her. Do you blame me?

51. Cloud 9

I think I'm going to dream about this look for the rest of my life.

52. Living Garden

This look is borderline ridiculous to some, but for me this is everything.

53. All Jean Everything

These shoes...I really just want to have Rihanna's closet. WOW.

54. HIV Awareness

Here she is, getting tested for HIV/AIDS alongside Prince Harry. What a babe.

55. Protesting Is The Wave

And this is my favorite...maybe it is because of the shoes, or the jeans...no, it's definitely because she's at an ANTI-Trump rally...see what I did there? Anti? No?...

If you didn't agree with the headline before, you definitely do now. I mean, how can you not? Did you see the photos? Rihanna is fashion.

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