Revolutionary Protest Commercial Gone Wrong
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Revolutionary Protest Commercial Gone Wrong

Kendall Jenner has been chosen as the voice of the people

Revolutionary Protest Commercial Gone Wrong
Awesomely Luvvie

By now I am sure the world has seen the graceful Kendall Jenner take on a role she knows nothing about. An activist.

Somehow, somewhere Pepsi’s board of whatever decided it was a good idea to launch a commercial which idolizes protest and makes it seem like it’s a fun way to past time. It’s sad to say but either Pepsi’s board is extremely lacking in diversity or everyone who voted against this ad was overruled.

A few things (the entirety) about this video are really wrong and off. First of the beginning scene is cool and it’s like guy playing a cello. Looks cool. Can’t wait to see where Pepsi is taking us. Then appears this random ass protest with the most confusing signs ever.


What fucking conversation? Next thing you know cool cello guy is in the crowd and so is cool photographer girl. Everyone is so pumped and hype and joining the conversation. Cello guy and Kendall have a moment and she decides that she too must join the conversation.

Here comes the part I will never understand. She whacks off her blonde wig, throwing it to her oppressed black assistant. Wipes off her lipstick and magically changes clothes into something…more middle class looking. Somehow this protest has turned into a festival with Kendall Jenner as their leader with people dancing and a band signing.

Then the meet the world’s least protected police guards. This is the moment of truth. Kendall hands a guard the Pepsi and that guard has a moment with another guard and he’s like “Man, this Pepsi is so great, I have to join the conversation.” And with that…this festival gets even more hype. It’s a full on party now and Pepsi finally tells us to “live in the now.”

Whichever board members decided on this decision should be fired. Whatever advertising executive lead this creative process and brought it to life needs to be fired. Pepsi should have listened to whatever oppressed minority they have on their staff. Pepsi should not have picked Kendall Jenner as the voice of the people.

There is a countless amount of activists in the world that would have been much better then Kendall. Even if they did not want to go with activists, they could have picked from a sea of celebrities that are far more qualified for that type of commercial then Kendall Jenner. Pepsi has presented this false idea of what a protest looks like and what actually happens at it.

No oppressed group of people have taken to the streets to protest and had a splendid time doing so. We (oppressed people) do not laugh and dance in the streets. We do not carry unnecessary objects with us, such as band equipment. Our signs are clear and so is our message. We do not rally behind someone who will never understand the cause or be fully behind it unless it is beneficial to them. When we march and protest it is because we are angry. Our voices are not being heard and we are demanding change.

The cops standing at the forefront of a rally or protest are dressed in riot gear. No cop shows up to a protest wearing just their normal badge and a cap. That is completely ludicrous. No cop just unsuspiciously takes a drink from a protestor…nor would a protestor offer a drink to a cop because might I remind you, protestors are usually angry.

Finally, the idea of this commercial that bothers me the most is the idea that a Pepsi could stop all the world’s issues and we can all live in peace. First off, that is highly offensive. Giving a police officer send to keep protestors in check a Pepsi will not change anything. The officer will still pepper stray innocent people, spray innocent people with water hoses, shoot innocent people, and maybe release dogs on them.

So No Pepsi, we cannot “live in the now” because every day an oppressed person walks outside they must think about their future and any harm that could come to them. They must think about all the other victims that look like them and acted like them and died mercilessly for no reason. We cannot live in the now because if the history of this nation has taught us (oppressed people) that our lives are not worthy enough to live.

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