Response To Buzzfeed Video: I Am An American And I Believe...
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Response To Buzzfeed Video: I Am An American And I Believe...

I am an American and I believe...

Response To Buzzfeed Video: I Am An American And I Believe...

Recently, Buzzfeed posted a video to YouTube, the video was title, "I'm an American and I believe..." After watching it I decided to respond in my own way. Click here if you want to watch it.

I, the writer of this article, am an American and I believe in tolerance toward people of other religions, colors, culture and creeds. American is a nation of Immigrants, that is the truth, we are all descendants of Immigrants. The first Colonists were immigrants... I do not believe it is right morally, socially, and ethically to treat other people, no matter what they look like, what higher power believe in, or what they wear for personal or religious reasons, as horrible people have been treated. They are here for a life where they have the freedom to do what they want, just like my Great Grandmother, who came across the ocean from Sweden as an indentured servant was. Just like the founding father's where. One of the coolest things in the entire world is having the ability to learn about other cultures. We have the privilege to do that because America is a melting pot of Cultures and people.

I'm an American and it breaks my heart into a thousand pieces and brings me to tears that so many people in this country believed that the current president elect had the right idea on how to lead this nation. He preached Hate, Bigotry, and intolerance toward other human beings in a country that was founded on the idea of Life, Liberty, and the Purist of Happiness for all man kind. He called for something that would separate this nation from a beautiful nation full of cultural and history. That man is not my president and never will be.

I am an American and I believe that the America that showed it's face after the electoral polls came up is not the America I think anyone wants to grow up in. This nation has weathered Presidents like Andrew Jackson, Ronald Reagan, Nixon, and LBJ, but so many things were lost during the years those men where in power. During Jackson's Presidency thousands of Native Americans died on the Trail of Tears. Nixon was corrupt to hell. I have no words for Reagan, but as for LBJ, does "Hey Hey. LBJ how many kids did you kill today?" ring a bell to anyone? He was president during the Vietnam War. We have weathered men like the current president elect, but this nation has come out scarred, beaten, and bloody. The America that elects a man like who we elected is not country I am proud of.

I am an American and I am aware that I have white privilege. I confess that I don't want the privilege I have been given because of my skin because I feel uncomfortable knowing that I have something other people don't have. I know that I can do good with what I have, but I'm clueless as what I am capable of doing. It makes me uncomfortable that I have this thing and don't know what to do with it. As a white american, my white privilege makes me uncomfortable because I know that it gives me things that other people don't have. I'm unsure of what to do with it so I can benefit other people.

As an American... As an American, that sounds weird for some reason because even a few weeks (i'm really not sure how long it's been since election night) after the polls came in, it doesn't feel like America. Watch this video if you still don't feel like it's real, the video has Stephen Colbert in it and honestly made me feel a lot better. This one has Samantha Bee, who proves that laughter is the best medicine.

As an American, I am bothered because I still can't understand why in today's society the color of a person's skin, the gender they identity as, or why people's sexual orientation matters. I cannot wrap my head around why all this superficial stuff matters to people. It's stupid that people still care if someone is black, white, brown or whatever. All that other person is another person. There is no difference between the things that make up me for someone of African Descent. We are made of the exact same materials, so why does the color of someones skin matter? They are just as human as me and it breaks my heart that in the past people of equal pastiness did cruel and inhuman things to other human beings. The Slave trade America participated in and the possible hundred of years of slavery that followed is going to be to be a scar on America's history and It should no be covered up. History that gets lost is doomed to be repeated.

It's stupid that people care if someone else identifies transgender instead of the gender they where assigned as birth because the only person that it effects is the person who the identity applies too, all the rest of us have to do is love and respect them for who they are, get their new name and pronouns correct, and not out them to people who aren't aware of what that person wants. The only thing that is changing about the person you love is their body, their name, and the pronouns they use. That person who is transgender and wants to go through with the surgery to give them the body that is of the gender they are, is still the person that you care about and love. The only things that change about them are the superficial things that do not really matter in the grand scheme of the universe.

I find it particularly stupid, however, that their are still people in the world that care about if someone wants to be with a person of the same gender or not. I have an unpublished article that talks about my own struggle with my sexual orientation. I know that my family would love regardless because I would still be me, but I don't personally feel comfortable talking about it until I am able to accurately explain what I feel. It affects my family because I am a member of that family. It affects me because my sexual orientation is mine and mine alone. If someone where to ask me if I was in the closet that answer would be very hard to explain. In someways I am in the closet. I am out in other ways, The entire topic for me personally is confusing to talk about.

As an American I believe in my heart that the real America, the one that I believe in, is in the streets right now protesting the garbage that we call our system, screaming for the system to change in the streets. That America is the real one. That is the America I know exists, in everyone's hearts. That is the America that I want to live in. That is the America that sees something is wrong, bands together, storms the streets in an effort to force some change out of an already terrible situation. That America is the America I believe our founding father's wanted when they decided to go to war with England for Independence, of course those same men believed the Citizens of America would be to stupid to chose from themselves a leader and created the Electoral College to help their concern. The Electoral College is a relic from a bygone era and is no longer necessary to the Politics of America. I support the idea of getting rid of the Electoral College.

I am an American and there a lot of things I don't understand about this country, but despite what I don't understand, I do understand that what happened on Election night is something that should never happen again because I do no think that any of us will be able to handle something like that again. It was one roller coaster that I never want to ride again.

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