Repower Hour: My New Lease On Life
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Repower Hour: My New Lease On Life

When weight-loss is fun!

Repower Hour:  My New Lease On Life
Spectrum Fitness

There comes a point in your life when a decision about your health needs attention and needs to be a priority. For me, that decision was accepting that I was overweight. It was time to take charge of my own destiny and work on losing weight. At the same time I had this realization, my doctor had the same thought. A research study was started that dealt with a rural overweight population, so instead of having to go it totally alone, my doctor invited me to join. She has saved my life, both physically and emotionally. And, I have been empowered to take care of me.

The program is called “Repower." I have been a participant in this study for six months. It is a two-year research study of weight loss. There are aspects of the program that I like and one aspect I do not. What I like is the option to choose a food regimen that works best for me. There are three choices: 1. Two protein shakes per day and a prepared meal, with calories not exceeding 350, for lunch; 2. One protein shake, one prepared meal for lunch and a home cooked meal for dinner; 3. One protein shake and two home cooked meals. Each of these choices must still adhere to a total of 1200 calories in a day. The shakes use a whey based protein powder mixed with water and the option to include fresh or frozen fruit and/or vegetables. A kitchen appliance that mixes the ingredients quite well is a Nutri-bullet.

Even though I am the one in this research study, my husband has begun to follow the same plan I have chosen. He has decided that weight loss is a priority for him as well. What a guy! Support is necessary, especially with a behavior and habit change.

A positive of the program for me is the support that is provided from the group leader. The program has all subjects divided into small groups. These groups connect through a conference call on the phone. For three-months, from the start of the program, the calls are held weekly. During the next three-months, the calls extend to every two weeks. My group has one more call before the support goes to a monthly call, which will happen for the remainder of the program. This is the aspect, I mentioned earlier, of the program that doesn’t thrill me. It is amazing how quickly the members of my group have bonded and relied upon the support of the group leader and of each other, especially since we are scattered in four states; Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. However, I understand that the idea is to gain enough confidence to go it alone when the program has completed.

Along with the behavior changes with food consumption, there is an exercise component. Any type of exercise is acceptable, but the duration must be ten minutes or longer. Raising the heart rate is key to burning calories. The goal is to expand from ten minutes of exercise a day, to one hour by the end of the two-year program. A Fitbit was provided to track steps, which has become a marker for me. Tracking my steps each day gives me a goal to meet and exceed. I began, in November, with 1500 steps per day and I am now between 7k and 10K per day.

Now that you understand the program, the key to weight loss that I have learned thus far is confidence that I can do this and succeed in meeting my goals. The behavior modification has been gradual, yet steady. I am not suggesting that it has been easy, but what worthwhile goal ever is? There are days when I have not followed the regimen, and that has been OK. The goal is to get back on target the next day. This is the most valuable key to the entire program: forgive yourself for those times when the goal has not been met, then get back on track and keep moving forward.

Most weight loss diets have not been successful, and I believe it is due to not fully changing my eating habits and incorporating a regular exercise routine daily. This program has gently forced me to include a minimum of five fruits and vegetables into my daily diets. I keep a 1200 calorie max per day, tracking on the “Lose It” app. My steps are tracked from the Fitbit to a Fitbit app, then transferred to Lose It. I can say that I look forward to making and improving my goals each day. I also forgive myself when coming up short. The forgiveness seems to apply an incentive to increase the goal the next time.

So, if you find yourself uneasy about trying to lose weight, forgive yourself and try to build that daily confidence. I continue to learn more about myself and my attitudes toward various foods. But that is alright because I’m deciding to take control and not let food be my guide. I have also learned that after the program concludes, I am on my own to flourish or flounder. The research study is an opportunity not available to everyone. I am learning that I can do this for myself.

For me, this is more than a two-year research study program, it is the key to my successful health so I can enjoy life again. I hope this article provides inspiration and support to those wavering on the decision of a new lease on life.

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