11 Reasons To Get A Pet
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11 Reasons To Get A Pet

Why I prefer animals over people.

11 Reasons To Get A Pet

There are certain times of the day, month, and year where life can get overwhelmingly hectic and stressful. Being with friends and family helps a great deal, but sometimes they can just add to your distractions and procrastination. Although getting a pet requires devotion of time and funds, there a many ways that your regular house pet can de-stress your busy day and motivate you to be a more positive and productive person. These same little fluffy balls of joy can sometimes add onto said stress. In the end, here are some reasons why pet lovers everywhere find it completely worth it.

1. "Talking."
There's no pressure when all you have to respond with is a random combination of coos, meows, or whines. You can only generally guess what your pet wants when it runs up to you and starts spouting off nonsense reserved only for humans.

2. Cuddles and cuteness.
To an extent, you both enjoy cuddle time. However, on particularly stressful days, they're more likely to try and squirm away before you decide to let them go. Growing up with a pet that has dander and fur also increases the likelihood that you won't have allergies.

3. Bonding time.
This time includes walking, feeding, playing with, and bathing your pet. Time with them can decrease blood pressure and help your heart.

4. They are like children but not as high maintenance.
This way, you get the rewarding and mother-like feeling without nearly as much long term expenses or as many sleepless nights. They can basically take care of themselves if you just let them outside, but you enjoy the company and they seem to enjoy relying on you. Not to say it wouldn't be worth the expenses either way...

5. Owning animals teaches responsibility for another living being.
There is a large gap between taking care of babies and taking care of kittens or puppies. Regardless, a caretaker's principles should be almost identical. Odds are, if you can't handle a pet, then you might not be the best candidate for parenthood yet. Pets have emotions and phases, too and can be sporadic and moody. It takes patience, understanding, and a loving heart to raise them successfully.

6. Free alarm clocks.
Because who doesn't need to be woken up in the middle of the night by the crinkling and rustling of toys and the pitter-patter of paws and feet?

7. They can be your motivation to move.
Dogs aren't the only pets that encourage you to get active. The enjoyment of testing endurance and agility is prominent in the world of horses, ferrets, rabbits, and even cats. Having a running buddy is always ample reason to get out more.

8. They are conversation starters.
Sometimes strangers and new friends find it difficult to approach other people. When a cute or interesting pet is brought into the mix, it is fact that it much easier to approach someone you don't know just so you can interact with and ask questions about their friend with four legs, or two legs and wings.

9. Presents.
Despite most pets being domesticated animals, they still retain some primal instinct to present humans with dead things and other things that smell like old dead things. This is especially true for cats, but they assume that we can't provide for ourselves because they never actually see us hunting.

10. They are therapeutic mood boosters.
Just by being by your side, animal counterparts can bring you away from your blues. Much like a child, pets can brighten your day by giving you a sense of purpose and responsibility that is worth the struggle. They also have their derpy moments during which you don't feel the least bad laughing at.

11. Companionship.
Probably the hardest part of owning a pet is knowing that, unless you get one within the last decade of your life, you are bound to outlive them. In the end, they are the most blindly loyal friends and family members you will ever have.

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