11 Reasons I'd Rather Be Moving Into Hogwarts Than College
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11 Reasons I'd Rather Be Moving Into Hogwarts Than College

September 1st was move in day for Hogwarts, and I wish it could've been real.

11 Reasons I'd Rather Be Moving Into Hogwarts Than College

September 1st was the day that the young witches and wizards of the UK moved into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft an Wizardry for their upcoming school year. The reality of that actually occurring is sadly nonexistent, but the fact that it is happening in the literary universe is reminding me why I would so much rather be moving into Hogwarts than resuming classes in the Muggle world.

1. The Trolley Lady

The best part of the Hogwarts Express, no doubt. I can't imagine that anyone would be displeased to see the trolley lady, because there is nothing that those magical candies and sweets can't fix. I would spend my very last knut to get a Chocolate Frog or a Pumpkin Pasty from the trolley.

2. Quidditch

This exciting, aerial, and particularly life-threatening sport seems to be revered and anticipated by all in the Wizarding World, especially by those at Hogwarts. It is the main contributor for points toward winning the House Cup, and game days are a school-wide event.

3. The Great Hall

Forget long lines for food and questionable meal choices; at Hogwarts, the food magically appears on the plates in front of you. Just be aware that an occasional ghost may appear.

4. Trips to Hogsmeade

Your school probably offers some sort of field trip, but what it doesn't offer is a trip to Hogsmeade, where you can visit Zonko's Joke Shop, The Hog's Head Tavern, and Honeydukes Sweetshop.

5. Secret Passageways

Hogwarts is full of secret passageways, leading not only throughout the building but to places outside the castle as well. It is, of course, ill advised to use any, as getting caught would certainly land you into some trouble with Filch, but if you happen to have the Marauder's Map and are itching for some trouble, you might dare to explore.

6. Coursework

For most wizards, Charms, Transfiguration, and Potions are probably just as boring as Math, Science, and History are to Muggles. I, however, Muggle that I am, would jump at the chance to take any of Hogwarts' courses. Even History of Magic.

7. House Elves

Without getting into any debates over the rights and treatment of House Elves, you have to admit that their presence at the school serves as a huge benefit; from cooking all the meals in the Great Hall to cleaning up after hours.

8. The Great Lake

The Great Lake is an aspect of Hogwarts that is seldom referenced in the movies, and thought about very little. But The Great Lake itself is a beautiful feature of the castle, home of The Giant Squid, and a popular spot for students to relax (when they aren't swimming frantically trying to complete tasks for The Triwizard Tournament).

9. The Common Rooms

The four Houses each have their own common room; Gryffindor and Ravenclaw's in separate towers, Slytherin's in the dungeon, and Hufflepuff's in the basement by the kitchen. Each common room has a secret entrance and various features corresponding to the traits of the houses themselves.

10. Fantastic Beasts

The Wizarding World has fantastic creatures like you've never seen before; hippogriffs, dragons, basilisks, and phoenixes, just to name a few.

11. Magic

Let's not forget the main reason I would rather be moving into Hogwarts for school: magic. Magic is an actual thing that exists in Harry Potter's universe, and although it causes trouble constantly, it would be amazing if it actually existed.

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