This is a response to Traveling Alone is Not for the Faint of Heart.
Traveling alone can seem scary. As a woman, I've always been aware of the dangers that solo female travelers face. Since I was a kid, my family filled my head with images of being kidnapped, robbed, or harassed if I so much as walked down the block alone. I had ever reason to fear solo travel, and yet, I was drawn to it.
Bear in mind: I'm not the most adventurous person. I'm no extreme sports playing, hard partying, fly by the seat of my pants daredevil. The funny thing is, you don't have to be to enjoy solo travel. The trips I've gone on by myself often ended up being some of the most peaceful times of my life. Traveling alone is a great chance for introspection, and for learning to enjoy your own company again. Here are three reasons I recommend traveling alone.
You can do whatever you want
This may seem obvious, but think about it: anything you want. No one else's needs to consider at all. If you want to fly to an exotic country and spend every day watching TV in your hotel room, you can! If you want to wake up absurdly early to go on guided sunrise hikes, you can! Whatever activities you want to do (or don't want to do), sites you want to see, foods you want to's all up to your own discretion.
You gain confidence
The scary part of traveling alone is being completely responsible for yourself and your trip. Your flight, your hotel, your daily itinerary- it's all on you. That responsibility can feel intimidating, but even if you experience a few bumps in the schedule, you'll ultimately feel proud of yourself for having the courage to take it on.
You can reconnect with yourself
Everyone loves sharing special moments with the people that matter most to them, but what we often forget is that we are a person who should matter a lot to us. Solo travel is a great change to reconnect with yourself and remember that you're your own best friend. Soak in the sights with no one but yourself to share them with, and realize that's enough. You're giving yourself a beautiful gift by allowing yourself to explore and see the world on your own terms. That's an act of self-love if I've ever heard one.