Quality Over Quantity
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Quality Over Quantity

3 ways to reduce your stress levels and declutter your life.

Quality Over Quantity

Have you ever come home from a long, stressful day, only to feel even more stressed out by your cluttered room and endlessly busy schedule? Take charge of your life and get a better handle on your stress with these three, relatively simple, steps toward decluttered and more mindful living:

1. Your Schedule

Unnecessary Deadlines, Multi-tasking, and Overall Busyness

The life of a college student is hectic, but don't busy yourself just for the sake of being busy. There seems to be this common notion of busyness equating to success, and people tend to claim bragging rights over how busy their lives are at any given moment. Being busy does not necessitate success, nor should it be glorified amongst friends and family, especially when, in reality, busyness can equate to stress, excess anxiety, and a general sense of feeling overwhelmed.

Busyness can come in a handful of genres, such as multi-tasking. I am a proud, yet guilty, multi-tasker. In the moment, multi-tasking seems helpful, and even productive, because it provides and overall sense of busyness throughout the day. That being said, I find that the days I multi-task the most, the less productive I am. In an attempt to stop multi-tasking, I've started dedicating my full attention to tasks. The result? Mindfulness, better results, and, last, but not least, productivity.

Another aspect of busy schedules is setting unrealistic (and usually unnecessary) deadlines for yourself. Sometimes I get so focused on completing a certain task by the end of the night or by a certain time during the day, and I find myself more stressed out than ever. My heart starts racing, my work becomes rushed, and my productivity goes down. Give yourself ample time each day to complete a task and don't procrastinate. Sure, some procrastination can provide some much needed mental relief from the day's stressors, but in the long run, procrastination can cause even more stress and anxiety.

Decluttering your schedule and learning how to be more productive with what little time you have can make all the difference.

"Don't confuse activity with productivity. Many people are simply busy being busy."

- Robin Sharma

2. Your Relationships

Toxic Presences and the True Meaning of Quality Over Quantity

If there's anything I've learned in friendship, it's that less is more and that paying attention to quality over quantity is vital. People seem to believe that more is better, but I would rather have a smaller handful of good, caring, loyal, and honest friends than a larger group of friends who either know very little about me or bear a toxic presence in my life. Coming to the realization that having a small group of really, really good friends is way better than having many, more distant friends was life-changing for me, and has helped me understand the true meaning of friendship.

Let go of relationships or friendships that cause more stress than they're truly worth. Let go of the relationships that hold you back. Let go of the relationships that weigh you down and stress you out.

The people in your life should lift you up and support you in all you do. The people in your life should love and care about you, and appreciate your differences. The relationships that are worthwhile prioritize your well-being, offer many means of support, and help you grow into a better version of yourself.

"Don't count the number of friends you have, but the number of friends you can count on."

3. Your Space

Letting Go of Clutter

Your space, whether it be a room, an apartment, or a home, should be a safe place for you to recharge and rejuvenate. This can be difficult when we have too much "stuff" sitting around. Take the time to clean out your space and let go of clutter. It can be hard to let go sometimes, especially when it comes to objects of significance or objects that hold certain memories, but a clean space is a positive space. Some questions to ask yourself when cleaning out your space can include:

When did I last use/wear this? If your answer is more than 3-6 months, then it may be time to let it go. Only keep what you actively and frequently use. Many people, myself included, hold on to things simply because they hold a special memory or "just in case" you need it in the future. In reality, if you haven't used it recently, you probably won't use it in the near future, either.

Would I buy this today? If the answer is no, then it should probably go.

A clean space can reduce stress levels, increase creativity and focus, and help you better organize.

"Clutter is not just physical stuff. It's old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self."

- Eleanor Brownn

With these in mind, I hope you find a few moments each day to focus on decluttering your life and focusing on bettering yourself and the life you lead through these three relatively simple steps. While they are easier said than done, these are attainable and will, eventually, create less stress in your day-to-day life — just imagine coming home to that clean, decluttered house, or reaching out to friends who truly care about your wellbeing.

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