It's that time of year again. Everywhere you go, fall-flavored everything will bombard you. Although I consider myself to be 95% cool, that remaining 5% is undeniably basic. Yes, I enjoy oversized sweaters, Starbuck's pumpkin spiced lattes, and I will definitely wear the cute boots I bought as soon as the weather hits the high 60's.
However, I have come across some pretty bizarre fall-flavored food items. While some seem they may have potential, there are others that leave me utterly confused and make me wonder- how can this possibly taste good? Well, curiosity got the best of me, and I got suckered into buying some prime examples to solve this mystery.
So here we go. Here are a few of the most laughable finds that I have put to the taste-test.
1. Pumpkin Spice Oreos
You may have come across this flavor of Oreo yourself, and let it be no surprise that Oreo created a fall edition to add to its already extensive variety. I have to admit that I didn't believe I would be a fan, but an entire row is already gone, and I am fully responsible.
2. Chobani Pumpkin Harvest Crisp Greek Yogurt
Again, I actually enjoyed this fall flavor more than I believed I would. I chose the "flip" version that comes with pumpkin seeds and nut add-ins, which really do make a positive difference. However, it is probably not my yogurt of choice the next time I am out grocery shopping.
3. Extra Pumpkin Spice Gum
I honestly don't get the point. Why make the people around you suffer from your pumpkin breath? If you want pumpkin flavor, go eat a slice of pumpkin pie. Then, please... Choose Spearmint or Winterfresh for that minty fresh breath that gum is intended to provide. Your significant other will thank you.
4. Hershey's Candy Corn "Chocolate"
Let me just say: You've been warned. If you like that overly sweet type of sweet, then go for it. I'll just mention that when I broke my first piece off and it fell onto the floor, not even my pup Rudy ate it. And I thought he ate everything.
I knew that it was a red flag but the brave side of me pushed me to test it nonetheless. When I took the second piece and tried it, I immediately regretted not listening to my trusted furry friend.
Hershey, I love you, but please sick to the real kind of chocolate!
5. Trader Joe's Pumpkin Pie Spice Cookie Butter
Its actually the bomb. Like to the point I'm eating it right out of the jar with a spoon and I'm kind of concerned this might be a problem.
So, what do you guys think? If you have tried any other ridiculous fall-flavored foods, please share your thoughts. Just remember, you are what you eat! Don't forget your fruits, veggies, and lean protein amidst the influx of holiday sweets approaching. Or else.