Trump Protests Need To Be For The Right Reasons
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Trump Protests Need To Be For The Right Reasons

This is not the time to fight one another.

Trump Protests Need To Be For The Right Reasons
National Review

It seems like every person in the world has an opinion on the United States’ new president, Donald Trump. There is a never-ending dispute on whether or not he should be in office, simply because he lost the popular vote. Donald Trump won on electoral votes in November with 306 votes. In December, he secured 304 of the 538 electoral votes possible. This secured the next presidency and there was an immediate spike in protests. Recently, the nation has seemed more divided than any other time in recent history. According to CNN Trump’s approval rating on Inauguration Day was around forty percent, the lowest approval rating of a president on the day of their inauguration in the modern era. Now, the country is filled with protests that stem from that low approval rating, as well as the various executive orders that President Trump has carried out during his time in office.

Over the past few days, there have been multiple websites that have stated that there will be a nation wide protest on President’s Day. February 20th has become the focal point for many groups across the nation, as there has been an outcry for more people to join in the protests that will take place. The “Not My President” movement has been around for a few months now but it has started to gain more traction since the inauguration. This movement is made up of many groups of people who march in various cities, stating that Donald Trump is not their president and they refuse to acknowledge that he is the leader of the United States.

Simply put, he is. Donald Trump, no matter what the popular vote said, is the new POTUS. Regardless of my opinion or anyone else’s, he is the going to be the president for the next four years, barring any leave from office early. President’s Day is actually meant to celebrate and honor George Washington’s birthday and has evolved into a celebration of all Presidents. This day is not for bashing a president. By stating, on this day, that Donald Trump is not your president, changes nothing. He is and will continue to be your president.

I do not agree with everything Donald Trump does and this is not a statement of defense for the new president. People are all entitled to their opinions on every matter and the right to march and protest should always be allowed for every citizen. The problem with these marches is not because they are protesting that they are upset that Donald Trump is president; the problem is that this will not accomplish anything, to simply say that he is not your president. Donald Trump will continue to make decisions, good or bad, in your opinion, whether or not you recognize him as president. If there is going to be change from the individuals that are protesting, it does not come from protesting. It comes from actual work.

An example of aimless protesting comes from inauguration day. Various anti-Trump supporters were seen blocking entrances to the inauguration and chanting, “this checkpoint is closed”. What does this accomplish? This type of protest does nothing. Barring people from entering an inauguration that will happen regardless if no one shows up, will accomplish nothing in the grand scheme of things. Sure, it may not allow a few hundred to see the president they voted for be inaugurated but the inauguration will go forward without those people. Those Trump supporters are entitled to their opinions just as much as any anti-Trump supporter is and they should be allowed to exercise their right to support him.

Not every single person that supports Trump is racist and not every person that voted for Hillary is out to get every Trump fan. This is not the time to fight one another. This is the time to work out the problems that people have with each other and their mindsets. No, it is not possible to work through every issue. This country welcomes a vast array of cultures and is too large to make every person happy. Over the next four years, start working to make this country stronger. Exercise your rights and make sure your voice is heard. But don’t forget to make sure your hands are working towards what your voice is saying.

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