Being a breakout prone fiend keeps me on the lookout for ways to prevent breakouts. What I did not realize is that it may not be as complicated as I thought. If you are in the same position before you go out a drop many dollars on the wild next product, check out these steps you can add to your daily rountie to rid yourself of breakout-causing bacteria.
1. Lather up on that good ol' white stuff
I know, I was scared to lather up when I started breaking out when I was 13. But what I did not realize at the time, sunscreen is SO IMPORTANT for your skin during the summer. It contains zinc, which is a key ingredient to healthy skin. In addition, y'all know how harsh the sun rays can be, we need all the protection we can get. This is especially true if you are using an acne product. Those products burn your skin in order to get rid of acne.
So lather up. If you are worried about breakouts from your sunscreen, pick one that is for your face! I use the product listed above. I have been using it for four years and I can confidently say it protects my sensitive face from the sun and no pimples arise when I wear it. It will protect you and give you healthier skin!
2. Don’t hate, exfoliate
Exfoliation helps rid your skin of dead skin cells. Not doing this may cause dead skin cells to build up and cause breakouts. I recommend, if you have dry or sensitive skin, to exfoliate once a week, and for less sensitive and dry, twice a week. Using just A LITTLE of a cleanser salicylic acid will make a world of difference. Salicylic acid contains BHAs which help to exfoliate the skin. Of course, using too much will dry your skin out, which there is the emphasis on a little! It goes long way! Murad has an awesome skincare line that can be used for exfoliants.
3. Cleanse thy objects!
​I cannot stress this enough! Your objects such as your cell phone, makeup brushes and pillow cases accumulate SO much bacteria over a period of time. Collection of bacteria equals breakouts. Taking 10 minutes out of your day to wash/clean them will put you in better position of having better skin.
4. Prep your hair first
This is another quick thing to put into your routine. Wash your face after you do your hair! Why? Think about it, if you wash your face after putting in hair products, you'll be washing excess product away from your face. Less likely to cause acne. It is an easy switch you can do!
5. Rinse away your sweat
​This is a must as sweat builds up on your skin after your workout and gets trapped under your pores, leading to breakouts. Washing your face and body right after working out lessens the chance from pimples to appear.
6. Absorb that oil!
Another way to combat acne is absorbing excess oil. Clay masks and milk of magnesia can be used as masks that absorb excess oil from the skin and deeply clean it at the same time. I use green clay from Mountain Rose Herbs!
7. Invest in loose powder
This literally blew my mind when I figured this out. This is so important for my oily skinned folk. So in regards to compact powder, how do you think they get the makeup to stay in there. OIL. So when you are using compact powder, you are adding excess oil to the skin. If your makeup is making your skin extra oily, use loose powder. It stays on just as well and doesn't use extra oil, so it gives you long-lasting wear all day. I use Clinique but there are so many different kinds of loose powders that you can pick up at Target or Walmart for under $10.
Now you are armed with this info, go forth and add these to your daily routine! I can't promise you it will keep your breakout free but I know for a figgity fact it will decrease your chances of breakouts. Knowing your skin, cleaning and the right products go a long way. Go forth and bring your best self forward!