A Definitive Ranking Of The Worst Adults Ever In 'Pretty Little Liars'
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A Definitive Ranking Of The Worst Adults Ever In 'Pretty Little Liars'

Is there anyone in this town who isn't morally dubious?

A Definitive Ranking Of The Worst Adults Ever In 'Pretty Little Liars'
The Bit Bag

Allow me to preface this article with this: I love Pretty Little Liars. I watched it devoutly until around season four, and the only reason my viewing became more sporadic was because of outside influences like school and other commitments. I'm rewatching it now in preparation for the series finale (SOB) because I am determined to finally get some answers that make sense, or as much sense as anything makes in Rosewood. Watching PLL as an adult gave me a new perspective on the characters, storylines, and the way certain things were handled (Dear Marlene, will we EVER get an answer about what actually happened to Maya??? What did she know???), and it definitely gave me a newfound hatred for most, if not all, of the adults on the show. Sure, Ezria seemed cute when I was fourteen, and Ian and Wren's infatuation with Spencer seemed romantic, but now, I can see it for what it should have been portrayed as: creepy AF. In fact, most of the adult men in Rosewood seem to have an odd fixation on underage girls. Not cool, and definitely not something to romanticize. Also, why did so many grown adults think that their ways of handling teenagers with probably PTSD was okay? Ugh, I could go on for days. If you also have a love/hate relationship with the adults of PLL, this is the list for you. (I didn't include any of the adults from the five year time jump, since technically all the Liars are adults then.) Asterisks indicate if the person was also on the "A Team."

In first place as The Most Terrible Adult In Rosewoodâ„¢, we have...

1. Detective Derek Wilden*

--Slept with Alison, who was fifteen at the time.

--Harassed all of the Liars, especially Hanna, .

--Coerced Hanna's mom into sleeping with him to clear the shoplifting charge from Hanna's record.

--Tried to kill Aria and Spencer on the Ghost Train

2. Ian Thomas*

--A very sketchy human being in general

--Put the moves on Spencer while dating her older sister

--Was part of the NAT club, which spied on people in the town, particularly the Liars and Alison

--Was secretly dating Alison

--Tried to kill Spencer

3. Ezra Fitz

--Slept with Alison, also when she was fifteen

--Stalked her to write a book about her

--Pretended he didn't know Alison prior to meeting Aria

--Initiated a relationship with Aria knowing she was a minor

--Continuing that relationship while he was her teacher

--Super manipulative

--Is maybe good at his job, we don't know

4. Wren Kingston*

--Don't let the accent fool you, he is not to be trusted

--Made a move on Spencer while dating her older sister

--Made moves on Hanna while treating her friend/tormentor, Mona

--Anonymously called in a tip causing Ashely Marin to lose her lawyer when she was on trial for murder

--A team status unconfirmed but highly likely

5. Garrett Reynolds*

--Also part of the NAT club

--Dated Jenna, who was roughly 15/16

--Made Jenna think he killed Alison

6. Ken DiLaurentis

--Sent six year old "Charles"/Charlotte to Radley for an accident


--Basically the reason Cece was A at all

--Blatantly favored Alison over her brother Jason

--Pretty cruel to all of his kids, and the Liars as well

7. Jessica DiLaurentis

--Did nothing about Charlotte being sent to Radley

--Had an affair with Bethany Young's father and Peter Hastings, the latter of which resulted in her son Jason

--Planned to blame Ali's disappearance on Spencer

--Helped cover up the truth about Marion Cavanaugh's death, including bribing Bethany Young

--Framed her twin sister for murder and allowed her to be mistreated at Radley

--Spied on the Liars

--Buried Ali alive to protect Charlotte

--Knew Ali was alive but didn't say anything

8. Tom Marin

--Implied to have cheated on his wife prior to divorcing her

--Abandoned his wife and daughter and got remarried

--Took his stepdaughter Kate's side in everything, especially when she bullied Hanna

--Prioritized Kate's education over Hanna's

--Only reappears in Ashley and Hanna's lives when something directly involves him

9. Peter Hastings

--Had an affair with Jessica DiLaurentis

--Jason's biological father, but urged his daughters to stay away from him

--Clearly favors Melissa over Spencer

--Is only nice to Spencer when he can show her off

10. Melissa Hastings*

--Blamed Spencer for Wren's infidelity and the canceled wedding

--The sketchiest person on this show and that's saying a lot

--Faked a pregnancy than faked a miscarriage

--Buried Bethany alive, thinking it was Alison and that Spencer had killed her

--Does most of the sketchy things she does to protect Spencer but still treats her terribly

--At least she never dated a minor, I guess?

11. Byron Montgomery

--Cheated on his wife with a student (not a minor but still terrible)

--Made Aria keep it a secret

--Tried to send Aria to boarding school for dating Ezra instead of doing...literally anything else

12. Veronica Hastings

--Favors Melissa

--Blames Spencer for Wren and Melissa breaking up

--Kind of snobby

--Great lawyer but often resorts to questionable means to get what she wants

--Has improved over the last few seasons

13. Pam Fields

--Tries her best

--Not so great in the first two seasons, as she was homophobic towards her daughter and her girlfriend and got Maya sent to rehab, but she really came around

--Does absolutely everything she can for Emily

14. Ella Montgomery

--Also trying her best

--Wasn't okay with Aria and Ezra dating but tried to be there for Aria instead of pushing her away

--Needs a hug

--A good teacher

15. Ashley Marin

--Ride or die for her daughter

--Would literally take a bullet just to make Hanna happy

--Goes through so much

--Makes some questionable choices but with the best of intentions

--Hit Wilden with her car once, so good for her

16. Wayne Fields

--Army dad

--Tough but fair

--Calls Emily "Emmy"

--Can seem overprotective but has reason to be

--Loves his family more than anything

--Deserved better

Keep in mind that a lot of this adults are, in my mind, tied for their places. The first four could all be in last place for me. I also only included adults that were on the show for an extended period of time, with the exception of some of the Liars' parents (like Wayne, Tom, and Ken), who I felt I should include just for being the main character's parental figures.I also debated including Cece Drake, but considering she is (SPOILER) "Big A" before the time jump, I guess that technically makes her the most terrible, but she was also a great character and one of my favorites prior to the reveal, so I'd be super biased.

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