Post-Spring Break Depression As Told By Shameless | The Odyssey Online
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Post-Spring Break Depression As Told By Shameless

All good things must come to an end...

Post-Spring Break Depression As Told By Shameless

Going back to college after a relaxing, homework-free, no-schedule spring break is perhaps one of the most unbearable feelings we college students have to endure. Whether we spend our week of academic absence on our couch enjoying a Netflix marathon at home, meeting up with old hometown friends at our old stomping grounds, or laying on a sandy beach soaking up some sunshine somewhere tropical, arriving back at our college is utterly painful. We know it means that our classes will reconvene and we’ll be thrown once again into the dark and menacing thralls of tests, unending homework assignments, and all of the stress that comes with it. This of course leads to many college students experiencing the phenomenon known as “post-spring break depression.”

When it's the Sunday night before classes start up again and someone says spring break is "over."

No more sleeping in until whenever.

Say sayonara to going schedule-free.

You realize you forgot all the information you learned before break.

And professors expect you to remember everything from class before break as if you just learned it yesterday.

You find out that you forgot there was a test or a paper due shortly after break.

And it really doesn't help that the cafeteria food here sucks and your mom's home cooked meals are way better.

Then the people you know who go to different schools whose spring break just started start posting pics of themselves on beaches soaking up the sun.

Then there's the mountains of homework, quizzes, tests and papers that begin to accumulate on your "to-do" list and your frustration begins to build.

Yet still, you sit in class daydreaming about a week ago when your butt was planted firmly in the sand in Mexico or on you comfy couch back home.

You'll probably have a brief moment in which you contemplate dropping out of college to just be a bum for the rest of your life.

But then you get your poop in a group, face reality, and conquer your piles of homework.

Throughout the week, you'll likely experience various bouts of delirium.

But one plus side is that you're back with you friends from school, and you all can go through this painful week together.

As the first week back at college after break comes to an end, you can truly celebrate knowing you survived this week of terror in one piece.

As you can see, the cast of Shameless understands what college students are going through during the first utterly dreadful week back from spring break. We all will suffer through this week, but I promise, we'll all make it to the other side one way or another. So hang in there and push through; Friday is right around the corner!

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