Spring Break should be a national holiday. There is nothing better or more motivational than getting that little taste of summer after the excitement of the new year begins to wear off. As a kid, it's a week free of homework. As a high school student, it's a week of no sports practice and plenty of time to terrorize your home town with your friends. As a college student - it's time to rage.
For a lot of us spring break is a really, really big deal. It's your time to shed your spray tan and get a real one before you have to start wearing white tops and jean shorts for the summer. It's your time to break the seal on that pina colada mix you've been saving for months now because it was on sale during Christmas. It's time to head to the beach!
While freshman year tends to be the year you end up in a huge house with 80 people you kind-of know, the following years are planned with a little less precedent and a lot more options. Will it be a girls trip? Where is everyone else going? Do we even want to go to the beach? Should we go somewhere we can drive or should we fly somewhere crazy? The options are endless, and someone with anxiety might find it hard to keep up.
Where are we going? Who is going to put the place on their card? How much is it per person? Are there extra costs? What are the expectations of the condo/house/hotel owner? Who is coming? How many people are we going to fit in the place? How many ways are we splitting costs?
How are we getting there? Are we taking cars? How far is it? Who is driving? How much is gas? Will there be room for all of our stuff? Is everyone staying the whole time?
What is the ratio of beds to people? Do we need to bring air mattresses/blankets/pillows? Will there be laundry machines? Do we need to bring towels? How are we splitting food costs? Are we eating out? Dining in? Going to the grocery store?
What will we be doing all day? How long are we staying? Are there any sights to see? Activities to experience? Do I need to bring extra money for that? Are we going to split up at any point? Does anyone oppose to sitting on the beach starting the day we get there and not moving until we get in the car to leave?LAStly and MOSt IMPORTANTly
Don't forget the alcohol!!!