You probably read this headline and think: "What? Does anyone actually think that?" Unfortunately, yes. Many people hold this point of view, and some of us students have received snide remarks from others "informing" us of our terrible decision to go to school. Whether they come from an older generation, or old friends who went straight to the workforce, the sentiment maintains its annoying form no matter the speaker. Obviously, everyone has a right to their own opinion and I don't want to diminish that. Yet, for those who hold this opinion, know this: no matter how many times you express it I still won't care for it.
Over the past year, I have seen many people comment how school is unnecessary and you don't need it to get a job.
"College was a waste of time."
"I dropped out because I wasn't learning anything useful."
"I can get a job that pays as well without spending thousands of dollars on a piece of paper."
Oh. Okay.
The most annoying point to me is the "get a job without the degree" point. Yes. You can get a job without a can do that without a diploma too! But I don't just want a job, nor do I just want a career. I want a dream, or to fulfill my dream. Making money and living on my own is just a tiny, tiny fragment of my dream for life. Personally, I want to go to pharmacy should I try to become a pharmacist without going to school?
That's called a drug-dealer people.
The point is this: don't do something because its easier or more convenient. Do what YOU want to do with YOUR life. If all you want is an hourly wage and supporting yourself...good for you! That isn't what I want, therefore I have to go to school to do what I want.
"College is waste of time."
Is it though? First off, it is not easy. If it was easy everyone would do it. My chemistry advisor just told me today that I should spend about 60 hours per week on school. Much more than those with a 40 hour work week right? But all the time spent rewards you with a hopeful future and more learning than your previous 12 years of school combined. Outside of school, I have learned more in the past three years of college than I did in my life leading to that point. College is a time for growth in all facets of life, through many unique venues. I could argue this point for hours, but it's pointless because you obviously didn't go to the right school...if you went at all.
Furthermore, if you didn't learn anything useful then what classes did you take? A person would only feel this way if they took either: A) pointless classes like "How to Breathe 101" and "Intro to Changing Your Tire", or B) you took classes in something you didn't care about, in which case...why? Just because you didn't make the right educational choices doesn't mean that other people can't figure that part out.
I could go on and on. But I won't. Wherever you want to be in life, take whatever path get you there. If you want to be a doctor, go to school. If you want an hourly wage where you can work your way up, skip the schooling and be the best that you can. If you want to aspire to becoming a manager at your local McDonald's, then you live your dream. No matter where you want to be, just worry about getting yourself there. Let everyone else find and take the paths they were meant for.