Life, the span of our occurrence on Earth. Yes, it's true what they all say, it isn't easy but as one door closes at least another will open. Some people live by this philosophy. There are people in this world who take advantage of the opportunities given to them, no matter the size. These are usually the individuals whose resources are very limited and have no choice but to make the best of what is given to them. Students that exhibit this appreciative trait tend to maximize any opportunity offered at their educational institution; joining organizations, procuring internships, and even receiving scholarships. But what about the students who neglect their blessings, or better yet, WHY do these students neglect the favorable chances that are made available to them at their universities?
I am a proud student attending THE University of Arkansas AT Pine Bluff, which is a Historically Black University, for those who did not know. Now, I am not attempting to degrade the students of the university or any HBCU for that matter, or even add another slander to the ever-so-long list directed towards the African-American race. I just cannot comprehend the dereliction. A substantial population of students at prestigious universities do not take advantage of the opportunities that are essentially placed and offered on campus for their own benefit. HBCU’s were specifically made to nurture and provide a deprived race with possibilities which would result in excellence. To inhibit a school from executing the essentials to fulfill its reason for creation due to heedlessness and slackness is not only disrespectful to the school, or even those who fought to originate such an institution: it is utter disrespect for ourselves. It is deplorable, but nothing less than the truth.
This generation is more concerned about the easiest and fastest way to success instead of valuing and cherishing the journey to prosperity. The hurdles, problems, laughs, sunshine and other experiences are what mould us into the beings we are. They shape our personality, our mentality, and our way of life. The journey makes the man and the man, in this day and age, could be less concerned about the journey. Maybe we should stop lurching over our devices and spending idle hours watching pointless videos and turn our focus on bettering ourselves and appreciating the blessings given to us. Maybe, just maybe, we would be more grateful for life, love ourselves our culture and use what are given to us to improve our society and ourselves.