An Open Letter On The Paris Attacks
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An Open Letter On The Paris Attacks

Sending prayers and love to all affected by this tragedy, je t'aime, Paris.

An Open Letter On The Paris Attacks
Emily Gagliostro

Dear all,

The horror that occured on Friday, November the 13th affected humanity on a universal scale. This letter is not addressed to one specific group of people, rather a global community, one that joins together against the inexplicable evils of the world, standing strong during times of joy, and standing even stronger during times of heartache.

I have no words for what happened that evening. A mere article couldn't even begin to do justice to the men, women, and children who lost their lives in the attacks, but I’ll do my best to put words to the love and support that I hold towards the global community with respect to these attacks.

To the people of Paris, I won’t pretend to understand your anguish. I won’t act as if I can relate to the terror you’ve experienced, nor will I assume my own reaction had I been in your situation. What I will do, however, is be here in your time of need. I can’t even begin to explain how deeply and genuinely sorry I am for your loss – the knots in my stomach and tear-stained cheeks are nothing compared to your pain, but I am here for you, nonetheless. My heart absolutely breaks for you, and while I can’t relate to the pain that you endure, please know that we across the globe are keeping you in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers every second of every day. You are not alone in this; tears are being shed for your loss across every inch of this earth. Our world is colored with grief and empathy as the horror stories from that day continue to unfold, with each anecdote more tragic than the next. I may be an ocean away, but my thoughts and prayers are by your side as you stand strong through this time of heartache.

To the people outside Paris, my thoughts and prayers extend to you, as well. I know better than anyone that you don’t need to physically be at the site of the tragedy to suffer the emotional repercussions. It is far too easy to be consumed by fear, something I wish I could say I’m immune to, but that is certainly not the case. I’ve had my fair share of breakdowns over the prospect of New York suffering a fate similar to that of Paris. Turning down opportunities in the city only to cower in my dorm room have constituted the days following the attacks, but living in fear is no way to cope with grief, and certainly no way to live your life. You, too, are not alone in this, as every sane person on earth is sharing the same ghoulish nightmares. Up and down the Prime Meridian, ocean to ocean and everywhere in between, people are living in fear. These people, however, are good people – humane, ethical, honest people. These are husbands and wives and daughters and brothers. These are friends and families and coworkers and lovers. For every one attacker that you fear, there are millions of good people sharing in your unease, so don’t let a few sick souls thwart your vision on the blessings of life.

To the first responders, thank you. To the paramedics, thank you. To the doctors and the police officers, to the journalists and the philanthropists, to the good Samaritans on the street, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for braving the horror and putting your own lives on the line to help others in need. Your honor and courage has not gone unnoticed, and there are no words to describe the admiration I hold towards you. We call ourselves human, but some do not deserve such a title. Some are monsters and beasts, spilling blood with the disregard one would give to water. But others don’t deserve to call themselves human in another way entirely. Some are angels, blessing our world with their courage that far exceeds any average man. These angels, heroic beyond belief, exude enough love to rebuild the rubble that had so tragically fallen. To those who helped, and continue to help, in any way possible, thank you. You are true angels.

It is becoming harder and harder to shield yourself from the horrors and enjoy life in an ignorant bliss. With terror ensuing all across the globe, from Paris to Beirut to Mexico and beyond, it seems as though we are in the midst of our darkest days. But the sun will rise and the Eiffel Tower will shine, as we channel our agony into love and make the world a better place for our sons and daughters. To Paris, I’m so sorry. To the general population, I understand. To the angels, I thank you. As stated earlier, no letter will ever come close to doing justice to those who lost their lives that fateful day, and I don’t expect this piece of writing to change the world. But if this letter can help one person, if it can ease one mind, then that’s one less sufferer than there was before, and that’s all I can ask.

While the pain is indescribable, so is the support. Sending prayers and love to all affected by this tragedy, je t'aime, Paris.

With love,


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