Hey buddies,
It is completely beyond me that in a few short days you will both be entering high school! I still remember getting the phone call when you were born, telling me I now had two little brothers (along with the tears that followed because I was hoping for girls).
I also still remember my own first day of high school, and all of the anxiety, nerves, and butterflies associated with it. I remember being so nervous I remember missing the bus and most of the welcome speech.
I did, however, catch the tail end of the speech, in which the principal stated that high school is the best four years of your life. I remember not really believing him at the time (still not sure if I do), but the truth is that although high school may not be THE BEST four years of your life, it is important to try to make the most of every single moment spent there. As someone whose been in your shoes, not all that long ago, I'd love to tell you what I learned from my own experiences.
Get Involved Early. Seriously this is one of the most important things I can stress: GET INVOLVED EARLY. Whether it be soccer, student council or the spring musical, it is so important to start doing extracurricular and to start early. Even if you have no experience in the area, don't be afraid to sign up if you think you might be interested. After school activities are what make you feel like you're a part of the school and some of my own best high school memories involve times spent on late buses and at pasta parties.
Talk To Your Teachers: I promise, even the ones that seem like looney old dinosaurs are people too! Let your teachers get to know you both inside and outside the classroom. Don't be afraid to raise your hand and ask questions when you have them. The closer you are to your teachers, the more likely they might be able to give you that ONE extra credit and it makes that awkward situation of getting a college recommendation a whole lot easier.
Don't "Forget" To Study. I know it's not the most fun concept in the world but it will be worth it. No, it's maybe not the best idea to have those late nights, cramming to the point that it makes you anxious, but you shouldn't simply "forget" about a test either. High school does end eventually and your grades are what puts you on your next path.
Live A Little. Although yes grades are important, it's important to enjoy yourself a little too. Yes, you will make mistakes, but that's what high school and growing up, in general, is about. No matter how bad things seem, you can come back from almost anything, and those mistakes eventually lead to awesome stories to tell.
BE YOURSELF. If you remember any of this, please remember this. BE YOURSELF! Let people get to know you. One of my biggest regrets in high school was that I spent way to much time trying to be a person I wasn't. Let people get to know you, and trust me the people who deserve to be in your life will accept you.
So no, I won't tell you high school is the best four years of your life, but they probably aren't the worst four either. It's in those hallways, classrooms and on those sports fields that you truly begin to find yourself. I can promise you that the person who walks through the doors on the first day will be extremely different than the adult who walks out four years later. So don't be nervous because you are both going to be amazing. I can't wait to see the awesome people you become.
Love Always,
Your Proud Big Sis