This is an open letter to those who feel broken hearted from losing a loved one, a special boyfriend/girlfriend or even a friend.
"He's very dreamy but he's not the sun, you are" -- Cristina Yang (“Grey's Anatomy”)
Don't let anyone steal your shine in your life -- it's a dark place but there's always hope at the end of the race.
I think it gets to us when we are most vulnerable. When something tragic happens and we just long for someone to talk to. It always happens when we least expect it. It sneaks up on us like a dreaded nightmare, except it's real. Whether we close our eyes or not it still appears. We turn on music to try to escape from the pain so deeply indented. Suddenly the wretched song comes on, constantly flooding ourselves with a thousand memories in which we're to be buried. Your body begins to literally ache missing the feeling of laughter within your soul and the way your heart was exposed on a daily basis. Your arms don't feel the capability to fly any longer, and your eyes don't flutter or show color. It's like you're stuck in a black and white movie and your life is colorless. You try to throw your thoughts out the dirty old car window while reading a novel that you've cherished since you were eight, but you just find your eyes scanning the text as if you were in your sophomore foreign language class again.
Regardless of what you do reality smacks you in the face like that girl in Junior High who smacked the other girl for stealing her boy. Every minute, second, week, tick-tock you live with the pain. You break when you brush your teeth and you lose it in the girl’s bathroom at school. It hits you like a bad cold: the only medicine is yourself.
Just at the moment you think you are healed you'll stumble again and fall completely apart. You will feel like you can never emote again because at this point your whole body is numb. This time you'll see a shadow in the distance, calling yourname. You'll realize that you were once a person without a lover and can become that person again with time, strength and courage. Because, hurting isn't a process but healingis. It might take a while for you to visualize your shadow of hope but it's there, trust me. Never lose yourself whenever you lose someone else.