An Open Letter To All Americans
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An Open Letter To All Americans

Please stop letting "Love Trumps Hate" be used as propaganda.

An Open Letter To All Americans

In the past few days following the election, America has been thrown into a new level of division. Now more than ever, Republicans and Democrats are at total odds with each other. The Democrats think that the Republicans are racists and don't empathize with people unalike themselves. The Republicans think that the Democrats are being hypocritical and over-dramatic. Neither are totally accurate, but where we are in the country today, you're not likely to meet someone who thinks that they are even remotely at fault in what they believe regarding politics. Conversations are enveloped by the topic, but not many are willing to listen to the other side and try to understand. On election night, late-night talk show host, Stephen Colbert, spoke on how politics have grown to consume our everyday discussions. He remembers a time when politics were one aspect of our lives, not the primary focus. He then went on to list the things that bond us all as Americans and, though they were silly, his point is profound. You can watch that video here. The United States is currently divided as a nation, but we are all human beings and we are all Americans. Though we may disagree, I believe there is an obligation to provide open ears and open hearts to our neighbors.

Dear Democrats,

It is important to understand that just because someone voted for Trump, it does not make them racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Sure, there are people who are and I am sorry for that; however, the majority of Republicans hated voting for Donald Trump in this election. I am in a primarily Republican environment, and I have not met one person who supported Trump completely. Most people have huge economic problems and needed to vote for Trump based on how they believe he will change the economy. Just because they agree with certain policies, does not mean they agree with his extreme views. Just because they voted for Trump, does not mean they do not empathize with those who are fearful of the possible ramifications of Trump's presidency.

On a separate topic, please keep in mind that Trump is not all-powerful. Yes, Congress is Republican; however, as I mentioned before, most Republicans do not agree with Trump's outlandish views. They aren't going to let him build a wall and they aren't going to let him ban Muslims from entering the country. Let's remember though, Trump isn't as Republican as many believe him to be. He has already taken his stance on abortion off of his website and he has been in support of LGBT rights up until he ran as a Republican. Don't freak out just yet, I would speculate that a lot of his campaign was insuring he was able to come across as an extreme Republican since he was once a known liberal.

Dear Republicans,

The most important thing to understand in this election is to understand. I'll elaborate: Democrats think that Republicans aren't empathetic to their situations; be empathetic. Understand that there are people who are terrified of what will change in their lives throughout the next four years. Stop assuming they are being silly and over-dramatic.There is validity in their fear. Be open to hearing what they have to say and support them. Stop getting mad at them for being sad; there was a lot riding on this election for them.

Someone I follow on Facebook posted a picture of a tweet that said "A picture of the streets after Obama became president." Below it was a picture of empty streets implying that Republicans were mature when they lost four years ago, but Democrats are being childish for protesting. I'm going to guess that there would be far fewer people out in the streets that night if Trump's persona was like Romney's. If Trump was respectful and didn't make the threats that he did during his campaign, I doubt the reaction would have been the same. The streets were clear in 2012, because Republicans understood that even though Obama wouldn't carry out their policies, he was a good man. Republicans didn't have to worry as much about detrimental changes to what they had known previously. They knew there would be changes, but not nearly to the extent of what is at stake for certain communities today.

Dear Americans,

Please stop letting "Love Trumps Hate" be used as propaganda. Live by those words regardless of who you voted for and who is president. Love one another and be grateful that you live in a country where you are entitled to your opinion and allowed to get involved in the future of the nation. Above all, pray for the president. You are an American; his decisions will impact your life in some way. Instead of getting wrapped up in your own beliefs, understand the importance in praying for the country. Pray that Trump defies all odds and is able to be a good man and an even better president. He needs all the prayers he can get.

Remember that this election, this presidency, and this life are all temporary. Donald Trump is our president but Jesus is our king. He has control of the country and He is using Trump for whatever plans He has. Don't get caught up in this election and lose sight of that.

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