The Stages of Finding a Formal Date, As Told by the Cast of New Girl | The Odyssey Online
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The Stages of Finding a Formal Date, As Told by the Cast of New Girl

The Stages of Finding a Formal Date, As Told by the Cast of New Girl

The struggle to find a date for formal is so real. Those lucky enough to be "talking" to someone know they're set. But for those less fortunate, looking for a formal date is like a new form of torture ... I mean, you can't just take anyone to formal — it's FORMAL. The pressure to snag a hot date who is conveniently tall, a good dancer and single is hard enough, and of course you want to pick someone you know will ask you to their formal in return ... here's the picking-a-date process for the single and awkward, explained by the cast of New Girl:

When exec first announces the date for formal, you're like:

Then, when you realize you have no one to bring ...

And when your friends ask you who you're bringing, you're like:

When you find out your friends all have dates ...

So you ask them for advice on who to bring.

And they say try to comfort you, like:

So you all start stalking to make a list of potential candidates, like:

And once that fails, you resort to scoping out a date at a social, like:

And you try to look pretty, like:

And be nice, for once.

But then, when it comes time to ask them, you feel the pressure and chicken out, like:

You start to convince yourself you don't want to go.

But you know you want to go and dance, like:

When you hear your #1 prospect already has a date ...

And then you see the girl that asked him, and you're like:

When you have to submit a date's name, but still have no one ...

And the guy you've friend-zoned says he'll gladly go with you.

When you finally pick someone to ask ...

But you get nervous and instead end up like:

But then you finally grow a pair and ask them, like:

And they say yes ...

Success! But now begins the struggle of finding a dress. ..

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