United Nation Not Divided Nation
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United Nation Not Divided Nation

Fight for the truth, fight for what America is supposed to stand for.

United Nation Not Divided Nation
Daily Progress

Unless you've been living under a rock or thought this was the best weekend to go off the grid, welcome to another episode of America: The Trump Edition, this weekend was filled with racism and rage.

The West Coast woke up to many news bulletins reporting a white supremacist protest happening in Charlottesville, Virginia, Saturday morning. The United States was facing yet another white supremacist threat -- derived from the Trump presidency. That threat quickly turned into an act of domestic terrorism after James Alex Fields Jr., 20, of Maumee, Ohio, floored his Mustang into a group of counter-protestors and then quickly reversed killing Heather Heyer, 32, and wounding 19 more counter-protesters.

I think at this point Lily Allen said it the best:

So you say, it's not okay to be gay, well I think you're just evil. You're just some racist who can't tie my laces, your point of view is medieval....Do you, do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful? 'Cause there's a hole where your soul should be, you're losing control of it and it's really distasteful. F**k you, f**k you very, very much. 'Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew, so please don't stay in touch.

So let's begin.

Republicans and Democrats immediately took to Twitter to denounce racism. However, President Trump, who is well known for quickly firing off tweets when something doesn't go his way, was silent for an hour after his wife and other senators tweeted out their support against this tragedy. He tweeted that we all need to condemn this act of violence because racism isn't what America supports. He is now under scrutiny, again, of the American people and the world, for never once denouncing the white supremacists, being an hour late to tweet, and being vague towards our the terrorism in our home country when he's vocal against the Middle East.

"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides. On many sides," stated President Donald Trump in a press conference Saturday, August 12.

Trump never condemned the white extremist groups once this weekend, but he never outright supported them, which drew a lot of scrutiny from everyone. Former KKK leader, David Duke, calls President Trump out saying he wouldn't be in power without this group. The Republicans have called for the President to condemn the Alt-right group and has just skirted around the issue. Our President doesn't care about the American people, only cares about himself. He has to show his voters that he cares, but without making the one group, that supported him through his campaign, mad.

What is this nation becoming?

Many celebrities have called out Trump for his tweets; some went as far as saying we start the 25th amendment process, which states: Congress can declare the President unfit for duty and have him removed. Even then it's quickly revoked if there are many opposing it. Honestly, the only thing stopping Trump, at this point, is an act of the universe and God.

In this past few days, Trump has moved up the Domesday clock by literally taunting Kim Jong Yun. He is gambling with so many lives --Trump has never once stepped into the West Coast, during his presidency, the only time he'll react, "rationally," is when his precious golf courses become threatened. He's an abusive stepparent who only cares about his alcohol, physical things, anything but actual lives.

How can it be "many sides" at fault when there was a group standing up against the KKK, white supremacists, Neo-Nazi's and all extremists because it's 2017 and we already went through a war to defeat fascists and racists trying to eradicate specific groups of a race. We are moving back in time and at this point, whether you're a Trump supporter or not, and you CANNOT see that, then you're part of the problem. You're a racist. You are inadvertently supporting those groups.

Has American forgotten why we are a nation? Have we forgotten the importance of the Revolutionary war?! We left England from prosecution, the first amendment stands for freedom of speech without the fear of retribution because you were jailed in England for saying anything negative about the crown. The right to assembly is for peace, not for hate, not for creating fear. WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS. The United States isn't a white nation; it's a united nation. It's a nation for those looking for safety from prosecution.

I pledge an allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, ONE NATION under God, INDVISIBLE, with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.

To want to stay out of "drama" and live a peaceful life is over. We have hit a point in history that we have to stand up for justice, equality, and freedom. The time to be passive has passed.

We must stand together and fight for what's right. We must not let hate win. Only good vibes, only love. Racism does not belong in our society, and it has no place in our hearts, it doesn't belong on our minds. Stand up and fight. Stand for what our ancestors fought for in WWII, the civil rights movement, feminism rights, and for what our forefathers stood for: freedom from prosecution.

To all you Trump supporters who find nothing wrong with this, white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, fascists, KKK, and any other extremist groups, go home. You are an embarrassment to America. Just because of an old white guy, who is a racist and won't stop playing golf, took office to be the president, doesn't mean you can come crawling out of your dirty little holes to proclaim this is a white America. Take your white privilege proclamation somewhere else.

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