Nice was bombed, killing over 80 people and wounding so many others. France was once again making headlines as people clamored to find out what on earth was going on. People were dying and the masses gathered to honor those who had died. Flags were flowed half mast and news headlines seemed to be changing every hour. However, one thing that seemed to strike my very core was how callously I was dealing with the news of all this senseless act of violence. It was like news of a bombing was a normal part of my everyday life and routine. So much so that I simply scrolled through the article then clicked on the latest "trending" news of a girl who was hit by a car while playing "Pokemon Go" on an highway.
What had once brought tears to my eyes and broke my soul bringing me to pray for the families who would never see their loved ones again, was replaced by a callousness that found me looking at another article. So much in the world is changing, including how we see and deal with this kind of news. When the Paris attack happened in 2015, there was an outpouring of sympathy and righteous rage for the lives that were lost. Facebook would change their users profile pictures to a background of blue, white, and red in remembrance and in solidarity. Where is that now as children were killed in a single act of violence.
People have been calling this era the "Golden Technological Age," but it has become a time that such violence like shootings and bombing are becoming almost second nature to us. As more time passes how many more will stop mourning the loss of human life. I sat in my room wondering what could be done. Is there anything that can be done to regain my empathy towards these innocents who were so callously slaughtered. At the end of my thoughts, I came up with nothing. I feel as thought the more I see of this kind of news the more I will adapt to no longer feeling the same way as I once did.
All the people on this earth were created in the image of God. We all were created with loving purpose and so in kind all believers must stand together to grieve with those who grieve and weep with those who weep.
"...for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." 1 John 5: 4-5